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Q4. 意味とれず
They need to agree to some kind of middle ground.
middle ground
1. 〔絵画などの〕中景
2. 中立[中道]の立場
3. 〔反対する二者の〕妥協案[点]
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年09月14日(金)版(No.465) - 結果
Q1 What are the rates per day?
○ What are the rates per day?
Q2 Tomorrow is another day.
○ Tomorrow is another day.
Q3 Don't panic.
○ Don't panic.
Q4 They need to agree to some kind of middle ground.
○ They need to agree to some kind of middle ground.
Q5 The business impact is a potential five million dollars next year.
○ The business impact is a potential five million dollars next year.
「おぼえてない」フレーズ リスニングテスト10問 - 結果
× I report to Mr. Tanaka, our managing director.
○ This meeting is going to be longer than I thought.
○ Their ideas are all pretty much the same.
○ I'd like you to consider an alternative plan.
○ This brings back memories.
× This bridge is a result of months of teamwork.
☆a result of months of ~ :何ヶ月にもわたる~の結果
months のsがわからず。
result of __ months of training : _カ月間のトレーニングの結果
result of many months of training : 何カ月ものトレーニングの結果
result of several months of training : 数カ月間のトレーニングの結果
○ There are two possible outcomes.
○ For this job, you need to speak up in meetings and teleconferences.
× What if she says, "No"?
☆ if が聞こえない。
☆ What if ~ から 「どうするの!」に結びつかない。
× We need help from someone at your level.
☆ at your が聞き取れない。( a yearに聞こえた)