5 years post-disaster, we need 'fellowship' Saturday, March 26
Five years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear disaster. I recently had the opportunity to speak with a welfare worker and municipal employee who continue to visit the disaster-hit areas and work hard to help local residents.
●welfare worker 民生委員 ●municipal 自治体の
One town, located within 20 kilometers of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, has moved all of its governmental functions to other municipalities such as the city of Iwaki. Last year the town's evacuation order was lifted, but less than 10 percent of the population returned. Supposedly many residents hesitate to come back, as the town has not resumed the operation of its hospital and shopping facilities, and radioactive decontamination work has not been completed. The town government functions remain spread out among the city of Iwaki and other municipalities. When I asked a town employee if things were tough, they gave me this response:
●evacuation order 避難指示 ●lift 解除 ●radioactive 放射性のある
●decontamination 汚染除去 ●complete 完了する ●spread out 分散する
●tough つらいこと
"Yes, sometimes we get phone calls from someone saying, 'The evacuation order for your town has been lifted right? How much longer do you plan on being here?' I don't know who they are, but we must look like we are imposing on the places we have evacuated to."
「そうですね。ときどき『もう避難指示は解除されたんだろう? いつまでいる気だ』という電話がかかってくるんですよ。どこの方かはわからないのですが、私たちが避難先に甘えているように見えるんでしょうね」
The employee tried to show understanding of such critics, saying, "That person must have their hands full with their own lives, and without meaning they tend to direct their criticism at us," but surely it must be hard to be on the receiving end of such a phone call.
●critics 非難する人
The employee continued, "The temporary housing units for refugees are only being lent out until the end of March next year. We are telling each of our residents who are still living in evacuation, 'You have to make a decision about this way of life. Please think for yourself whether you will establish your life outside of our town, or whether you will come back.'" Being the one to tell the evacuees this must also be hard. Hearing this, I felt embarrassed at having been ignorant of what was going on, as well as frustrated by my inability to do anything about it.
●temporary housing unit 仮設住宅 ●refugee 避難者 ●evacuation 明け渡し
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the word "fellowship" was used so much, there was a time when I was saying, "Overemphasis of 'fellowship' will actually become a source of burden and stress on disaster survivors and those supporting them." However, I feel that afterwards, that "fellowship" quickly weakened, and the idea of "self-responsibility," that "each area should think for themselves and take care of their problems" has been imposed on the disaster areas.
●overemphasis 過度の強調 ●burden 負担 ●afterwards その後
●self-responsibility 自己責任
Now is the time for fellowship. People may laugh and consider me behind the times to suggest that now, but I don't mind if people laugh. I want people to stop pretending they can't see the situation in the disaster area, saying "They've already recovered quite a lot, haven't they?" and "The evacuees of Fukushima could go back if they wanted to," and instead look again at the current situation, and the problems facing the disaster survivors. Then, I want them to remember that day when they said, "I'll forever support you." I want to say now is the time for fellowship, both to myself and to those around me. (By Rika Kayama, psychiatrist)
●pretend (見ない)ふりをする
今こそ「絆」を。そう言ったら「何を今さら」と笑われるだろうか。いや、笑われてもいい。「もうけっこう復興してるんでしょ」「福島の避難者も帰ろうと思ったら帰れるんでしょ」と見ないふりはやめて、もう一度、被災地の現状、避難者の苦悩に目を向けよう。そして、「ずっと支援する」と誓ったあの日のことを思い出そう。今こそ「絆」を、と自分にも言い聞かせながら、まわりの人たちにも呼びかけたいと思う。(香山リカ 精神科医)
It recalls numerous disasters experienced by the author, Kamo no Chomei, during five years in Kyoto.
Japan’s medieval period was plagued by war, and the constant fear of death made people see life as a temporary illusion.
震災から5年、未だ時が止まったままの人たちがいることも 忘れてはいけない
☆yukarin☆さん 2016年3月11日のおぼえた日記
みちのくの五年(いつとせ)の海春しずか チーちゃん