[Learnings from Work](4,5) -Lesson 24/Business Communication in Action-
Salmans: Back to the situation here at A&A. One thing that impresses me about the people here is that they are never in a rush. Of course, there are times when my coworkers are wrapped up in their work and don't have time for small talk. That's par for the course. But one thing that I've been deeply impressed by is how the managers at A&A try to be accessible and make time to listen to others. As well as how they go out of their way to help other members of the team.
Grace: That's great to hear. You know, I have a bad habit of eating lunch at my desk, or even worse, bringing my work to lunch. And then I find myself going through my inbox on my smartphone, oblivious to those around me. I have to make an effort to give them my full attention, instead of isolating myself in my own little world.
Salmans: By the way, another thing I like about the work culture here at A&A is how managers don't fall into the trap of trying to micromanage everything. Paying attention to detail can be a good thing, but there's a time and place for everything.
Grace: Truer words were never spoken. A good boss hires talented people and then gets out of their way and lets them get on with the job.
Grace: Employees seldom do their best when their boss is constantly breathing down their neck. It comes down to trust, basically. Trust based on respect for and confidence in a person's abilities. An effective manager keeps his or her eye on the big picture.
Salmans: At the last place I worked, there was incredibly bad communication. The management style was totally top-down, and the overall atmosphere was one of fear and rivalry. There was no team spirit like we have here at A&A.
Grace: That sounds awful. Too many bosses are power trippers who think employees should hang on their every word. A good boss, in contrast, practices active listening. Experience has taught them that no one has all the answers. They make a point of being open-minded and willing to admit that they're not always right. They welcome feedback. Paul Pearson is like that. He's a true leader in that sense. He admits his mistakes and at the end of the day, the buck stops with him.
Salmans: There was a mosaic near my university that said "Do what you love, love what you do." I'm grateful to be able to put that piece of wisdom into practice here at A&A. Thanks for taking the time to listen to me, Lidia.
Grace: Hey, that's what I'm here for, Chuck. Any time.
★[Paying attention to detail can be a good thing, but there's a time and place for everything.]細かいところまで気を配るのは、よいことである場合があります。でも、何事にもふさわしい時と場所がありますからね。
★[An effective manager keeps his or her eye on the big picture.]有能なマネジャーは、物事をいつも大局的に見ているのです。
⇒[keep one's eye on the big picture]全体像を注視し続ける
⇒[clarify the picture]全体像を明確にする
⇒[get the picture]状況/事態を理解/把握する
⇒[be kept in the picture]事情/情報を常に知らされている
⇒[paint a rosy(break) picture]楽観的な/悲観的な見方をする
[words and phrases]
-[be wrapped up in-]…に没頭している/夢中になっている
-[small talk]雑談/世間話⇔[big talk]ほら話/自慢話-[big talker]大ぼら吹き
-[par for the course]当たり前のこと/普通のこと/よくあること
-[go out of one's way to-]わざわざ/努力して/進んで…する
-[go through one's inbox]受信箱を詳しくチェックする
-[oblivious to-](何かに没頭して)…に気づかないで-[be oblivious of-]…を忘れて
-[give someone one's full attention](人)に十分な注意を払う
-[isolate oneself in one's own little world]自分だけの小さな世界に閉じこもる=[cocoon]繭の中に閉じこもる
-[Truer words were never spoken.]まさしくそのとおりだ
-[breathe down someone's neck](人)につきまとう/しつこく監視する
-[power tripper](露骨に)権力を誇示する人/威張り散らす人
⇔[eager tripper]独りよがり/独善的な行為(気負って固執する人)
-[at the end of the day]=[ultimately]結局は/最終的には
-[The buck stops with him.]彼が最終責任を取る
⇒[pass the buck]責任を転嫁する/たらい回しにする
⇒[in an obsequious manner]卑屈な態度で