✥✥✥✥✥ sleep deprivation and cancer
Concerned about the accumulation of these reports, the Danish government has created a system to pay a deposit if a woman develops breast cancer after years of working night shifts in government jobs. For example, a nurse or an airplane attendant. Governments in other countries, such as the British government, do not have such legislation in place and refuse to pay compensation, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
As the years go by, more and more research is being done and more reports are pointing to a link between malignancy and sleep deprivation. One major study conducted in Europe involved almost 25,000 people. According to the study, people who get less than six hours of sleep have a 40 percent increase in their chances of getting cancer compared to those who get more than seven hours. A study that followed 75,000 women for 11 years also reported similar results.
📷 まずは、"クレマチスギャラリー" は、いかがでしょうか?!ーとっとり花回廊にて
素敵な クレマチスですね。