✩✩✩✩✩What does the dream mean to us?
Freudian psychoanalysis is an unscientific method and the results are not at all reproducible.
As a matter of fact, Freud himself was aware of this limitation.
He even predicted that real science would one day emerge, and he left these words in The Dream Judgment.
" In the future, more detailed studies will be made and an organic basis will be found to explain the events of this spirit.
In other words, he knew that an explanation by an organic one (the brain) would unravel the truth of his dreams. . And his dream analysis does not get to that truth.
Four years before he went down the unscientific path of dream analysis, Freud had actually tried to use the findings of science to decipher the human psyche from a neurobiological perspective.
He summarized his attempts in a paper called "Draft Scientific Psychology".
He drew a map of neural circuits and synapses, showing how he was trying to understand how the mind works during wakefulness and sleep.
Unfortunately, at the time, neuroscience was a nascent discipline. It was not yet possible to decipher dreams through the power of science.
Therefore, in a sense, it was inevitable that Freud turned to unscientific dream analysis.
Brain-scanning technology is about to finally reveal the foundations of the dream.
📷今日の薔薇は、Rose française
"Dames de Chenonceau " 「ダム・ドゥ・シュノンソオー」『シュノンソオーの貴婦人』 Chenonceauは、ロワール湖畔に立つ美しい古城の名前です。
素敵な バラですね。
私も そばに寄って 香り嗅いでみたいです。