✩✩✩✩What does the dream mean to us?
For example, in order for the method of "radiocarbon dating" to be scientifically valid, the same fossil would have to be measured in different instruments and all of the instruments would have to give the same result.
If the results are different for each, then the method has holes and cannot be called an exact science.
Radiocarbon dating can be called a scientific method because it gives the same results no matter which device is used to measure it.
But Freudian psychoanalysis is not.
Suppose you have several Freudian psychoanalysts analyze the same dream of the same person.
If all of them gave the same answer, then the method is scientific.
In reality, however, the interpretation of dreams varies greatly from one analyst to the next, because there is no clear structure and no objective criteria.
I would not call it a scientific method, after all.
It's like astrology, only it can give us general answers that apply to all people.
📷今日の薔薇は、"Heritag " 「ヘリテージ」イングリッシュローズです。
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優しい色の バラですね。