✳What does your dream depend on?
Areas of the brain that record one's experiences, such as the hippocampus, are extremely active during REM sleep. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the content of the dream is related to the individual's recent memory.
Is the content of the dream a faithful representation of a recent waking memory? My friend and colleague, Robert Stickgold of Harvard University, has actually verified the results.
Twenty-nine healthy young adults were asked to keep detailed records of their daily activities over a two-week period. What they did that day (i.e., what they went to work, what friends they met that day, what they ate, what sports they played, etc.) and record their emotions at the time.
In addition to that, he asked them to keep a dream diary. Each morning as soon as they wake up, they write down all the dreams they remember.
When they had completed the two diaries, they asked a third person to read them to determine if there was any relationship between their daytime activities and the content of their dreams.
Particular emphasis was placed on the similarity of the two diaries in terms of places, actions, objects, people, themes, and emotions, among other criteria.
📷今日の薔薇は、"Brilliant Pink Iceberg " 「ブリリアント ピンク アイスバーグ」作出国はオーストラリアです。
ハチミツの香り 素敵ですね。