✦✦✦Dreams are a cure for heartbreak
Thanks to REM sleep dreams, we can relieve the intense emotions associated with negative memories.
But therapy is not the only thing REM sleep is doing at this time. It's also performing a feat of stripping away the emotions of sadness, fear and anger from the body of the memory.
This allows us to learn from the experience of a major event and still forget the negative emotions associated with it.
Sleep is necessary for the healing of wounds, especially REM sleep.
Is dreaming during REM sleep, and even dreaming about the painful experience itself, necessary to free yourself from the anxiety and fear of the past?
Rosalind Cartwright of Rush University in Chicago solved this question in the process of treating her patients.
Cartwright, who, along with Freud, pioneered the study of dreams, reported that "only people who dreamed of a traumatic experience immediately after they had experienced it subsequently escaped depression and overcame their mental problems.
If you want to erase the negative emotions associated with a painful experience, you have to dream in REM sleep, not just a generic dream, but a dream that evokes those same emotions.
📷とっとり花回廊散歩 ❝ 薔薇 2020 ❞
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