** Dreams are where creativity is born.
One of the greatest discoveries in human history came out of this "idea-generating" function of REM sleep.
Dmitri Mendeleev had a dream on February 17, 1869. From that dream, the periodic table of the elements was born. In the dream, he outlined all the elements he already knew and discovered their regularity.
Dmitri Mendeleev was a Russian scientist.
In his novelty, he thought that there must be some regularity to the elements of the universe that are known to exist.He was so obsessed with it that he even made cards with the names of the elements and their main functions on them.At home, in his laboratory, and on long train journeys, he would lay his homemade elemental cards in front of him and He was trying to find some kind of regularity.
Thus, for years, he tried and then failed at the mysteries of nature for years.
At home, in his laboratory, and on long train journeys, he would lay his homemade elemental cards in front of him and He was trying to find some kind of regularity.
Thus, for years, he tried and then failed at the mysteries of nature for years.
According to this one story, after three consecutive all-nighters, his frustration has finally reached its peak. The elements were whirling around in his head, but he just couldn't find any regularity in them. Mendeleev finally gave up and decided to go to sleep.
大きな 綺麗な 虹ですね。
とっても はっきりと 撮れていますね。
虹を見ると 幾つになっても ワクワクします。