Basil pesto バジルのペスト
Autumn is well and truly upon us here in New Zealand. I’ve picked many basil leaves today to make pesto. Every summer I make pesto several times from the basil plants which are growing in our garden. When I make pesto, I usually make big amount at a time and freeze them so I can use anytime when I need to.
The ingredients for pesto making are simple - fresh basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, salt, olive oil and parmesan cheese. The recipe says “pine nuts” but I’ve used walnuts or macadamia nuts whichever I have in the kitchen and they are fine, too. I use garlics in the garden. So the ingredients which I have to buy are salt, parmesan cheese and olive oil. About 10 years ago we even once tried to press our own olive oil and that year I used our olive oil for pesto making. Only once though, olive oil making process was too time consuming and complicated and we don’t want to do that again.
Pesto is great with pasta, of course but I also use pesto with cooked fish or roasted lamb.
Io non ho paura
di Niccolò Ammaniti
Sciami di moscerini ci ronzavano intorno.
Guardavo Maria che mi seguiva sulla sua Graziella con le ruote mangiate dalle pietre, il Teschio, davanti a tutti, con accanto il suo scudiere Remo, Salvatore che avanzava zigzagando, Barbara sulla sua Bianchi troppo grande, e pensavo al bambino nel buco.
sciame: crowd
moscerino: midge
ronzare: to buzz
scudiero: squire
zingare: gypsy