Walking is good for you! ウォーキングの効用
I started walking every day about 10 years ago. I think that was one of the best things I started in my life(?! ) I would like to write about in what way walking helped me.
Since walking has become my habit…
*I sleep better at night.
*I don’t catch cold so often.
*I don’t put on weight even if I am not on diet.
*My shoulder pain is gone. ( I think it is because I move arms naturally when I walk.)
But more than anything…
*I feel good. I enjoy fresh air on my face and I like to feel the seasons. While waking, if I want to concentrate in one thing, I can think about it hard, if I want to think nothing, I can do so. After the walk, I feel more energetic than before.
On the other hand, there are not many minus factors but there are a few…
*Walking takes time. I need to allocate every day my walking time in my daily routine. If I were a runner, probably it doesn’t take too long but waking takes time.
*In summer, it is too sunny and I have to walk very early in the morning or after dinner.
These days I am a little busy so I walk 5 kilometres a day but on weekends I like to walk longer . I recommend walking to anyone!
* 夜、よく眠れるようになった。
* 風邪をひきにくくなった。
* ダイエットをしなくても体重が増えなくなった。
* 肩こりが解消した。(多分、歩くと自然に腕を振るため)
* 気持ちがよいと感じること。風を顔に感じ、季節を味わう。歩いているとき、何か考え事があればそれに集中できるし、何も考えたくなければそうできる。そして歩いた後は、もっとエネルギーを感じる。
* 歩くのに時間を取られる。毎日の生活で何とか歩く習慣をどこかで入れないといけない。もしも私が走るならば、時間はそれほどかからないかもしれないが、歩くのは時間がかかる。
* 夏には日差しが強いこと。かなり朝早く歩くか、夕食後に歩かないといけない。
Io non ho paura
di Niccolò Ammaniti
Nel 1978 Acqua Traverse invece era così piccola che non era niente. Un borgo di campagna, lo chiamerebbero oggi su una rivista di viaggi.
Nessuno sapeva perché quel posto si chiamava così, neanche il vecchio Tronca. Acqua non ce n'era, se non quella che portavano con l'autocisterna ogni due settimane.
borgo: village, suburb