Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 14, Day 1
[Topic 14: If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?]
●Dialogue 《ジェイク(J)が生徒用ラウンジのテーブルに一人でいるところにユウゴ(Y)が話しかける》
Y: Hey, Jake, Drawing?
J: Nah. Just thinking.
Y: About what?
J: I’ve been imagine having my own shop.
Y: Hm!
J: I’d love to run an online art studio.
People could hire me to draw for them.
Y: What would you sell?
J: Portraits, illustrations, advertising... even animated movies!
Y: Cool!
J: If I could an online studio, my goal would be share my art with
people around the world. Plus, I could make a living from what I love.
Y: That’s beautiful.
J: Have you ever thought about having your own shop?
Y: Actually, yeah.
J: A comedy club?
Y: That would be great. But I can see myself opening a Chinese restaurant.
J: What?
Y: My mom and I cook together all the time. It’s creative,
it’s fun, and it help me relax. Plus, I love eating my creations!
J: You want to be a chef? Not a comedian?
Y: I want to make people happy. Plan A is comedy. Plan B is cooking.
If I were in charge of a restaurant, my mission would be to make
people happy with food!
J: Buddy, you rock!
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 126 基本文型③説明型——基礎
●Dialog 《メーガン(M)とアントンは、ロンドンのパブで日本人大学生のキンゾウ(K)に出会う》
K: You’re not from England, are you?
M: No, we’re not. We come from...very far away.
K: Me too. I’m from Japan. My name is Kinzo.
M: My name is Megan. Nice to meet you.
K: So, what are you going to order?
M: What do you recommend?
K: The steak and chips is very good.
M: Sounds great. I’ll get one for me and one for Anton here.
K: Is he your husband?
M: Oh, no. He is a...pilot.
K: Oh? He doesn’t look like a seaman.
□ be going toは「流れの中」
What are you going to order? (あなたは何を注文するつもりですか?)
□ 説明型オーバーラッピング
He doesn’t look like a seaman. (彼は船乗りのようには見えません。)
〇Target Forms……be動詞を用いた説明型
He is a pilot. (彼はパイロットです。)
① She’s a doctor. (彼女は医師です。)
② He’s smart. (彼は賢い。)/He’s in the kitchen. (彼は台所にいます。)
③ We’re eating lunch. (私たちは昼食を食べています。)
④ We weren’t seen by anyone. (私たちは誰にも見られませんでした。)
1.My cat is an orange tabby. She has a lot of energy and loves to play.
2.Sam is in a meeting right now. I’ll let him know you stopped by.
3.Hadrian’s Wall was built by the Roman. There are many Roman ruins all across England.
Ⅲ.A Christmas Carol(93) STAVE THREE The Second of the Three Spirits(9)
The house-fronts looked black enough, and the windows blacker, contrasting with the smooth white sheet of snow upon the roofs, and with the dirtier snow upon the ground; which last deposit had been plowed up in deep furrows by the heavy wheels carta and wagons, furrows that crossed and recrossed each other hundreds of times where the great streets branched off, and made intricate channels, hard to trace, in the thick yellow mud and icy water.
The sky was gloomy, and the shortest streets were choked up with a dingy mist, half thawed, half frozen, whose heavier particles descended in a shower of sooty atoms, as if all the chimneys in Great Britain had, by one consent, caught fire, and were blazing away to their dear hearts’ content. There was nothing very cheerful in the climate or the town, and yet there was an air of cheerfulness abroad that the clearest summer air and brightest summer sun might have endeavored to diffuse in vain.
(村岡花子訳) 第三章 第二の幽霊 (9)
なめらかで白い敷布のような屋根の雪や、それよりいくぶん薄汚れている地面の雪と対照して、家々の正面が黒く見え、窓はいっそう黒く見えた。地上の雪は荷車や荷馬車の重いわだちで深い溝ができており、大通りの辻などで何度もわだちの上を他のわだちが横切っていくので、乱れ、入り組んだ水路が黄色い泥と氷のような水をたたえていた。空は重く垂れこめ、「行き止まりのない裏道には半ば溶け、半ば凍っている汚れた霧が立ち込めていた。 すすで汚れた重い方の霧の粒子はすすけた雨のしずくとなって降ってきたが、まるで英国中の煙突が申し合わせて火事を起こし、心ゆくまで煙を吐き出しているかのようだった。今頃の町のこの気候には、これと言って気持ちを明るくするようなものは何一つないのだが、それでいながら、このうえなく晴れ渡った夏の空気や輝く太陽では及びもつかない楽しい気分があたりにみなぎっていた。
事実関係を確認中ですが、その説明はされるのでしょうか? 事実であれば、ご自身も非公認ですか?