Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 14, Day 3
[Topic 14: If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?]
Q1. According to Yugo, why does he like cooking?
A. He likes cooking because it’s creative, it’s fun, and it helps him relax.
Q2. According to Yugo, what are his plans for making people happy?
A. Plan A is comedy. Plan B is cooking.
〇What would you say?
……[ If you could open a shop, what kind of shop would it be?]に対して
□ If I had [an online studio], my goal would be to [share my art with people around the world].
□ If I were in charge of [a restaurant], my mission would be to[make people happy with food].
Yugo can see himself opening Chinese restaurant. He wants to make people happy with food.
〇Open-ended Question
Q. What are some things that you do in your life to make your friends and family happy?
A. I have two things. The first: giving my friend and family presents when it is their birthday. And the second: appreciating them anytime.
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 128 基本文型⑤説明型——オーバーラッピング
●Dialog 《ロンドンのパブでのメーガン(M)とアントンとキンゾウ(K)との会話》
K: Your clothes are very...interesting. Are you two going to a costume party?
M: No. May I ask you something?
K: Of course.
M: What year is it?
K: Ah, you are testing my English. It’s 1865, in Western years.
M: Stop joking! It’s 2024.
K: You seem confused, madam. That is beyond the next century.
M: By next century you mean...
K: I believe it will be the 20th century.
M: That can’t be. I was born in the 20th century.
K: Please, I’m getting bored with your strange humor.
□ costume party 仮装パーティー
□ mayのイメージ
May I ask you something? (チョット伺ってもよろしいでしょうか?)
□ リポート文
I believe it will be the 20th century. (私は20世紀になると思います。)
〇Target Forms……主語の説明文
I‘m getting bored with your strange humor.
① That looks [sounds / smells / tastes / feels] great. (それはすばらしい。)
② You seem [appear] confused. (あなたは混乱しているように見えます。)
③ Nothing remains [stays] the same. (私はずっと同じままではありません。)
④ They got [became] bored. (彼らは飽きてしまいました。)
1.Hey, the kids look bored. Why don’t we go for a drive or something?
2.I want to stay young. Trying new things is how I do that.
3.It’s getting dark. We should go inside.
Ⅲ.A Christmas Carol(95) STAVE THREE The Second of the Three Spirits(11)
There were pears and apples, clustered high in blooming pyramids; there were bunches of grapes, made, in the shopkeepers’ benevolence, to dangle from conspicuous hooks, that people’s mouths might water gratis as they passed; there were piles of filberts, mossy and brown, recalling, in their fragrance, ancient walks among the woods, and pleasant shufflings ankle-deep through withered leaves; there were Norfolk biffins, squab and swarthy, setting off the yellow of the oranges and lemons, and, in the great compactness of their juicy persons, urgently entreating and beseeching to be carried home in paper bags and eaten after dinner.
The very gold- and silverfish, set forth among these choice fruits in a bowl, though members of a dull and stagnant-blooded race, appeared to know that there was something going on and, to a fish, went grasping round and round their little world in slow and passionless excitement.
□ benevolence 善意、慈悲心 □ dangle ぶら下がる
□ conspicuous 人目に付く □ shuffling そぞろ歩き
□ compactness ぎっしり詰まっていること □ squab ひな鳥
□ swarthy 黒ずんだ □ entreat 懇願する □ beseech 懇願する
(村岡花子訳) 第三章 第二の幽霊 (11)