

Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 13, Day 1 (再)
[Topic 13: What language besides English would you like to learn?]
●Dialogue 《中庭にいるユウゴ(Y)とアヤカ(A)の会話》
Y: Ni hăo!
A: Huh?
Y: I said “hello” in Chinese.
A: Oh, yeah. Hi!
Y: I’ve been thinking about learning Chinese.
A: What for?
Y: My dream is to make the world laugh. More than a billion people speak Chinese.
  That’s huge audience!
A: Hm.
Y: Plus, I’d need Chinese to study cooking.
A: You like to cook?
Y: I love to cook! Leaning Chinese would help me study in China.
What I want to do is learn to make my favorite Chinese dishes.
A: Wow.
Y: What about you, Ayaka? What language besides English would you like to learn?
A: The most useful language for me would be French. I’ve always wanted to learn French.
Y: Why?
A: Tennis! There’s a major tournament in France.
Y: You need French for that?
A: No. But French would help me communicate with fans and the press.
With French, I could make a good impression.
Y: Good point!
A: Oh, I’ve got to run, Yugo. Au revoir!
Y: Huh?
A: That’s “goodbye” in French.
Y: Ah. Ni hăo!
A: Wait. Isn’t that “hello”?
Y: Uh... yeah. It’s the only word I know right now.

Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話  Lesson 131 基本文型⑦目的語説明型――基礎
●Dialog 《ハシムラ・キンゾウ(K)と話を続けるメーガン(M)とアントン》
M: Anyway, that was delicious meal, sir. Thanks for recommending it.
K: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
M: Oh...oh, no!
K: What’s wrong?
M: We don’t have any cash from...this country.
How are we going to pay for this?
K: Take is easy. I don’t want you to feel bad. I will pay for it.
M: But it’s expensive. A steak dinner, and we had two ales.
K: It’s on me this time.
M: They don’t take credit cards, do they?
K: What is a credit card?
  □ ale ビール(の一種)
 □ onの圧力
  It’s on me this time. (今回は、私がおごります。)
 □ 付加疑問文
  They don’t take credit cards, do they?
○Target Forms……目的語説明型の文
 Take it easy. (気を楽にしてください。)
 ① Just call me Ken. (ケンと呼んでください。)
 ② I’d like my hotdog plain. (私は、ホットドッグはプレーンがいいです。)
 ③ I want your report on my desk first thing tomorrow morning.
 ④ I need to get my passport renewed.
 1.Take it easy. The next train comes in just five minutes.
 2.I’d like my latte with almond milk. And, can you add vanilla?
 3.We don’t have all day to finish this project, folks. Let’s get it done!

Ⅲ.A Christmas Carol(100) STAVE THREE The Second of the Three Spirits(16)
 “I!” cried the Spirit.
 “You would deprive them of their means of dining every seventh day, often the only day on which they can be said to dine at all,” said Scrooge, “wouldn’t you?”
 “I!” cried the Sprit.
 “You seek to close these places on the Seventh Day,” said Scrooge.” And it comes to the same thing.”
 “I seek!” exclaimed the Spirit.
 “Forgive me if I am wrong. It has been done in your name, or at least in that of your family,” said Scrooge.
 “There are some upon this earth of yours,” returned the Spirit, “who claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us, and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.”

(村岡花子訳) 第三章 第二の幽霊 (16)


◎Photo:NHKの「光る君へ」を見るのに、ガイドブックを3冊全部そろえてしまった( 写真は後編と完結編)。ドラマの進行が速いのと登場人物が多いので、これがあると参考になる。史実とは異なり創作が入っているのは致し方ないが、まひろの娘・賢子は道長との子という設定は完全な創作らしい。

peko さん
2024年10月15日 7時43分
nhk の光る君 youtube やすひろの歴史解説ch で解りやすく解説しています。よかったらご覧ください
2024年10月14日 10時18分
pretty naoko さん

2024年10月14日 10時10分
shaberitai さん
私もこのガイドブック ほしいですね~、登場人物が多いし、名前が似通っているし、複雑な関係だし、、、分かるとより楽しめるでしょうね。
昨夜の藤原惟規の台詞で 昔のことを思い出したり、この先のことを予言したり、なかなか内容のある言葉でした、でもあまりの、突然の亡くなり方__ちょっと受け入れがたい、応えました。
2024年10月14日 9時18分
Nimp さん



2024年10月14日 7時59分




