■イタリア語 入門編54
A e N: Buon compleanno!
Luca:Tanti auguri!
Ak:Grazie per il bel regalo. Sono veramente felice.
Luca: Akane, prima di mangiare la torta guarda questo.
Una, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove e dieci!
Ak:Bravissimo Luca! Ora sai giocare bene con il kendama!
compleanno 誕生日
auguri<augrio お祝い
veramente ほんとうに
ferice (形)幸せな
prima di +動詞の原形 ~する前に
ora (副)今
〇形容詞 buono + 名詞 の変化
注意:男性単数形:語尾-oがとれる buon
Buon viaggio! 良い旅を
Buon fine settimana! よい週末を
Buon Natale! 良いクリスマスを
Buono studio! 勉強頑張って
Buona Paqua! よい復活祭を!
Buone vacanze! よいヴァカンスを
fine settimana は2語で 男性名詞、vacanzeはvacanza(休暇)の複数形であり一定期間の休暇にはvacanzeが使われる。
〇形容詞bello(すてきな すばらしい 美しい)が名詞の前
単/複 bel regalo/ bei regali
単/複 bell'ombrello/ begli ombrelli
単/複 bello specchio/ begli specchi
単/複 bella casa/ belle case
単/複 bell'opera/ belle opere
■現代英語 India elects first president from tribal community
Lawmakers in India have elected the country's first president fron out of its tribal communities.(省略)
Election officials declared on Thursday that Droupadi Murmu won the election by defeating a candidate fielded by opposition parties.
Murmu, who is 64, is the former governor of Jharkhand State. She is from an indigenous tribe in the state of Odisha.
The presidency in India is largely a ceremonial role.
tribal 種族の 部族の *インドには400を超える部族がいる
field 擁立する (候補者を)たてる
Droupadi Murmu ドラウバディ ムルム
indigenous 先住民の
presidency 大統領職 *インドの大統領職は儀礼的役割。
■ビジネス英語 53 朝倉電池の回答はOKでした。ですが条件がありました。
Kana: But sadly, there's a condition. In terms of smooth operation and quality control, they need time.
So while they can't promise to meet the production goal from the get-go, Asakura says they can do it if we give them a period of two years to adjuust.
Henry: Two years...so, our production at Chennai will be at the mercy of Asakura's competence. Hmm...also, would we even be eligible for the incentive if things took two years?
Kana: I don't know how local authorities would view our situation, but I think it's worth negotiating with Dr. Patel and his team.
Henry: OK, Kana, you win this time! Pray all goes well!
condition 条件
from the get-go 最初から はじめから
adjust 調整する
at the mercy of ~に左右されて 翻弄されて
be eligible for ~の対象になる
〇be eligible for ~の対象である ~をする資格がある
Would we even be eligible for the incentive if things took two years?
(things=調整のこと 調整に2年かかっても優遇の対象になるのですか)
1 Students are also eligible for this car loan.
2 People over the age of 18 are now eligible to vote.
3 Solo proprietors are also eligible to apply for this grant.
①be qualified(要件を満たしている)
In my view, Kelly is well qualified for a managerial position.
②meet the requirement(要件をみたす)
The company meets the requirements for the listing.
*上場 listing /going public
③fulfill the conditions(条件を満たす)
Even if you don't fulfill the conditions, it may be worth taking a chance and applying.
I'm glad to hear the news about "現代英語."
I hope women are active more in the political world.