■イタリア語応用編 16 I trabucchi トラブッコ
I trabucchi sempre più apprezzati dai turisti
(トラブッコ 観光客から一層の評価)
*sempre più ますます
Nati come "macchine da pesca"
per pescare senza bisogno di uscire in mare con la barca,
*senza bisogno di ~の必要なしに
i trabucchi sono quasi sconosciuti anche agli italiani.
Queste piattaforme di legno,
Affcciate sul mare
sono sorrette ga pali incastrati tra gli scogli
e collegate alla costa con una passerella.
Delle lunghe antenne protese verso il largo
sorreggono le reti per la pesca.
Dopo essere quasi andati in disuso,
*in disuso もはや使用されない
oggi i trabucchi vengono recuperati
perché considerati importante patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico della costa adriatica.
*patrimonio culturale e paesaggistico 景観文化財
Presenti sulle coste di Abruzzo, Molise e Gargano,
*主語は前文と同じi trabucchi.
*presenti 存在している
affascinano i turisti italiani e stranieri.
Kana: Hi, Henry. Thanks for joining again so late. Sadly, no matter how much the technology develops, we can make the time difference any smaller.
Henry: No worries. Busy times call for long hours. That's just life.
Kana: All right, then. So, can we expect a productive solution from Dallas?
Henry: Yes, the new joiners seem to have good hands-on experience, so it makes two other skilled staff available for Chennai, at least for the short term.
Emma: That's great news. So, Kana, how's the situation in Tokyo?
Kana: As for the two staff I mentioned yesterday, they've already applied for a work permit in India. According to the Indian embassy in Tokyo, the visa should be granted in a week or so.
time difference 時差
Busy times call for long hours. 忙しい時は長時間労働になります
hands-on 実務に携わる 実地の
work permit 労働許可
be granted 許可、認可される
sort ~out ~を解決する
〇Hopefully, this will sort things out.
▼sort out ~を解決する 難しい問題を上手く処理する
①We've finally sorted out the software glitch.
*glitch 機器に発生する不具合
②I'm pleased that we've sorted out all the outstanding issues.
*outstanding 傑出した/ 未解決の ここでは未解決の問題
▼sort itself out 自然に解決する
Eventually, it will sort itself out.
Our in-house lawyer helped us resolve the ambiguities in the contract.
*in-house lawyer 社内弁護士 *ambiguity あいまいさ
What do yo think is the best way to settle the complaint from the customer?
③iron out(相違点などを調整する)
Let's iron out this potential issue before it gets too late.
iron out しわを伸ばす アイロンをかける 問題解決する
〇相手に感謝する thank youに一言添えよう
A: Thank you for your help with this very difficult task.
To be honest, I didn't expect to find a solution so quickly.
In particular, I was impressed with the versatility of your legal arsenal.
I would never have thought of that solution.
*versatility 汎用性
B: Well, somehow, the idea just came up.
Anyway, I'm glad that the problem has been resolved.
I may ask for your help should our department face issues.
After all, this is a give-and-take relationship.
* should ifと同じ意味
I saw "トラブッコ" on the Net.
It's the first time I see it.
Fresh marine products looked delicious.