■イタリア語 入門編56 La vetrina(ショーウインドウ)
Ak: Quella carmicetta è bellissima!
Na: Quella bianca?
Sì, però questa beige è più elegante di quella.
Forse è di seta.
Ak: Ah, questa? Hai regione.
È più elegante.
Na: Perchè non la provi? Entriamo.
Che taglia porti?
quella <quello(あの:指示形容詞)/quella bianca 白いあれ
beige ベージュ色の / forse たぶん
seta シルク / provi<provare 試す
taglia サイズ / porti<portare 着ている
Questa beige è più elegante di quella.
文頭のquestoは、代名詞これ。 文末のquelloは、代名詞あれ。
★比較表現: più + 形容詞 di+ 比較の対象
Questa camicetta è più cara di quella.
Akane è più giovane di Nadia.
Sono più alto di te.
Kana: Hi, Henry. I'm glad I caught you. I'm talking to Emma, the head of HR in Chennai.
Henry: Hi, Kana. Are we having a trouble?
Kana: I wouldn't call it a trouble, but a human-resources issue has come up. I know it's late in Dallas, but could you join our online meeting right now?
Henry: No, problem. I'll hand up the phone now.
Kana: Thanks for joining, Henry. We thought it'll be quicker for the three of us to discuss the issue than to pas on messages to each other.
Henry: That make sense. So, what's the issue?
Emma: Let me come straight to the point. We have an issue of a skill shortage on the production lines, i.e., the performance of the workforce is lower than projected.
HR(Human Resources) 人事部
come up 生じる
hang up 電話を切る
pass on 伝達する
i.e(id estラテン語由来)すなわち いいかえれば
workforce 全従業員
〇Let me come straight to the point.(単刀直入にいいます)
In that case why don't you just get to the point?
Firstly, I ask everyone here to be honest and get straight to the point.
Let me focus on the income projection and go straight to the point.
①get down to business 本題に入る
Let's get down to business, shall we?(本題に入りましょうか?)
②get down to it 本題に入る *itは話の内容を受けている
Please get right down to it. We don't have much time left.
③cut to the chase すぐ本題に入る
Please don't beat around the bush. Just cut right to the chase.
A:Paula, I've got a problem that I need to deal with right now. Could you please attend the marketing meeting this afternoon on my behalf? The agenda is familiar to you, so you won't be uncomfortable.
B:Actually, I have a meeting with ABC that I can't cancel at the last minutes. Someone from our department has to attend, right? Why don't ask Sam to attend instead? He's probably free this afternoon.
■現代英語 Kishida stresses nuclear disarmament commitment
Japan's prime minister has reiterated his commitment to lead efforts to realize world free of nuclear arms. Kishida Fumio is calling on all nuclear states to enhance transparency about their arsenals.
Kishida is Japan's first leader to attend the review conference of The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons that 191 states have signed.
nuclear disarmament 核軍縮
reiterated あらためて述べた
lead efforts 取り組みを主導する
realize 現実化する
enhance 高める 強化する
arsenals 武器の保有量 ここでは核兵器の保有量
review conference 再検討会議
The treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
①たとえ~でも(譲歩) →平板に読まれる
proliferation→ proli(ラテン語で子孫)とfer(運んでくれる)が名詞になった。
子孫をたくさん運んでくれる →激増、増殖→拡散、蔓延
I didn't know about the meaning of intonation, "However."
Thank you for tips!
暑い‼ ですね。