

■イタリア語 入門編63 Indicare la strada(道案内)・命令法

Turista: Scusi, c'è un supermercato qui vicino?
Akane:Mm... sì, c'è! Vada dritto e al primo angolo giri a sinistra.
Turista:Al primo angola, a sinistra?
Akane:Sì, lì trova un piccolo supermercato.
Turista: Grazie mille. Buona giornata.

qui vicino この近くに
scusi<動詞scusare 許す 命令法Leiに対する形
vada <動詞andare 行く 命令法Leiに対する形
giri <動詞girare 曲がる 命令法Leiに対する形
1 are動詞 直接法現在2人称単数形(-i)とおなじ
2 ere動詞 原形の語尾ereをとり、aをつけた形
3 ire動詞 原形の語尾ireをとり、aをつけた形

dritto  副詞 まっすぐに
lì    副詞 そこに
angora  角
sinistra 左/ destra 右
giornata 一日

①Vada sempre dritto. ずっとまっすぐに行ってください
②Al terzo semaforo giri a destra. 3つ目の信号を右に曲がってください
③Dov'è il bagno? È in fondo a destra.
④Dov'è la stazione? È in fondo a questa strada.
 駅はどこですか? この道のつきあたりです。
⑤Dov'è il supermercato? Al secondo semaforo giri a sinistra.

①vicino a ~の近くに
Vicino a casa mia c'è una chiesa. 私の家の近くに協会があります
②davanti a ~の前に
Davanti alla stazione c'è una piazza grande. 駅の前に大きな広場がある
③infond a ~の突き当りに
In fondo a quasta strada c'è una stazione.この道の突き当りに駅がある
In fondo c'è una bagno.突き当りにトイレがある

■ビジネス英語 62 竣工式での社長スピーチその2
This new plant has been our biggest test since the merger.
Among twelve potential locations, we chose Chennai for three reasons: its geographical location, well-developed infrastructure, and abundance of local talent.
After the numerous test runs, I feel our decision to believe in Chennai was right call.
Of course, it won't always be sunshine and rainbows.
But we are here for the long haul.
On welcoming you all to the family, we are determined to do our utmost to ensure the well-being of our employees and the communities they are a part of.
And with sustaining our planet more important than ever, we are excited about bringing our most environment-friendly vehicles from here to the world.
This will be an indispensable part of our global operations, and we'd like to ask for your continued support.
Thank you.

Thank you everyone . We look forward to working with you.

call  決断/ sunshine and rainbows 物事がうまく行くこと
for the long haul 長い期間にわたって long haul:長距離輸送
do one's utmost  最大限の努力をする utmost(形)最大限の
indispensable   欠かせない

〇It won't be sunshine and rainbows.
*sunshine, rainbowは明るい希望を指す。unicornを使うこともある
We had a tough time during the pandemic. Life isn't all sunshine and unicorns.

*a ray of sunshine 太陽に光という言い方もある
I looked after my granddaughter over the weekend. She's a ray of sunshine.
Keep om trying and someday your rainbow will come shining through!

1 brighten up 明るくする
Good news regarding my promotion brightened up my day.
2 a bed of rose バラ色の:通常否定で
The industry will not be a bed of roses.
3 not have a care in the world 思い煩うことがない
During my childhood, I didn't have a care in the world.

We proudly announce that, starting today, 100% of the electricity we purchase will come from renewable energy sources: solar, wind, hydro, biomass, and geothermal power.
The switch to renewable energy will enable a reduction in CO2 emissions of as much as 520 tons per year.
We've been striving to become an "earth-friendly plant."
Let's continue to actively promote ecofriendly initiatives in the future.
Thank you all for your dedicated effort.

■現代英語 Plant- based upholstery replaces leather in new luxury cars

Leather has long been the material of choice for upholstery in luxury automobiles. But several carmakers are substituting it with plant-based materials in response to consumers' growing awareness of animal welfare.

Japan's Toyota Motor says its Lexus EV models will feature seats and steering wheels with upholstery made from sugarcane and other plants. A Toyota chief engineer says that in the future, products associated with co-existence and sustainability will reflect a sense of luxury.


Plant- based upholstery 植物由来の室内装飾品(ここでは座席シートなど)
誤用substitute A with B AをBで代替する
正しくは、substitute B for A
in response to~     ~に応えて
co-existence       共生
sustainability      持続可能性
reflect a sense of luxury 高級感を表す

leisure レジャー ironアイロン allergyアレルギー 
profileプロフィール Benzベンツ

〇sense of ~感、感覚、意識
1 ~感 sense of accomplishment/ security/ duty
2 感覚 sense of color /balance
3 意識 sense of competition/ beauty

クロ さん

Thank you so much for this month.
I really appreciate your warm comment.
2022年8月31日 17時25分
ぴのみ さん
2022年8月31日 12時59分
ひな雪 さん
2022年8月31日 10時59分
moo さん


2022年8月31日 10時00分
pretty naoko さん

2022年8月31日 9時03分





