

■イタリア語応用編 15 Esodo di Ferragosto フェッラゴストの大移動

Ferragostoは、ラテン語のferiae Augusti(8月の休日)に由来しますが、のちに聖母被昇天の祝日と同じ8月15日に祝われるようになりました。夏のヴァカンスの中心となる祝日で大勢の人が都市から地方へ移動します。

Esodo di Ferragosto: traffico da bollino nero sulle principal autostrade
(フェッラゴストの大移動 主要高速道路に大渋滞の黒マーク)
→bollino は交通渋滞の度合いを示すマークのこと。
 bollino nero(黒マーク)とても激しい大渋滞
 bollino rosso(赤マーク)(黒より一段階下の)激しい大渋滞

7 italiani su 10 si sono messi in viaggio
per raggiungere le località di villeggiatura per il weekend di Ferragosto.

Traffico intenso previsto soprattuto in uscita dalle grandi città,
con code di alcune ore ai caselli autostradali.

Confermato il divieto di circolazione dei mezzi pesanti oltre le 7,5 tonnellate.
 divieto:禁止/circolazione 通行/mezzi 車両

A Villa San Giovanni
si registrano già tre ore di attesa
per imbarcare la propria auto sul traghetto.
 imbarcare(乗船させる)/ traghetto(フェリー)

Miglioramenti generali previsti nel tardo pomeriggio,
con passaggio dal bollino nero a rosso.
 miglioramenti 改善

Dovrebbe trattarsi dell'ultima grande ondata di spostamenti prima del rientro,
prima del rientro,
quando i flussi del traffico si invertiranno.

■ビジネス英語 チェンナイ支社人事部のエマの要望を聞く

Henry: So, you're saying you need more staff to run the production line as well as time to train them?

Emma: Yes. In order to do this without delaying production, I'd like both of you to send more on-site expert from Japan and the US to train the additional staff.

Kana: Well, it's subject to the factory manager's approval, but we might be able to send a couple of people. We have two skilled staff to be assigned to work in Chennai. I'll see what I can do. How about you, Henry?

Henry: I doubt Joe, factory manager would agree because that would affect our production line here in Dallas. We've just filled the vacancies skilled workers who left the company after the merger. But I'll check with first thing tomorrow morning.

Emma: Thank you both for your kind help. Let's discuss things further tomorrow.

on-site 現場の expert 専門家 subject to ~次第で
skilled 熟練の be assigned to ~の任務に就く、~に配置される
fill a vacancy 欠員をうめる
first thing tomorrow morning 明日の朝一番に

〇It's subject to the factory manager's approval.
▼subject to ~次第で ~に左右される。*条件を示す時に使う

The success of going public is subject market conditions.
*go public 公表する (ビ)株式公開する 
The terms and conditions will be subject to change.
*The terms and conditions 契約条件 取引条件
Any unilateral decision will be subject to harsh criticism from voters.
* be subject to criticism 批判される
* unilateral 一方的な

〇~次第 ~による
①up to(~次第の)
It's up to management whether or not we invest in this joint venture.
②depends on (~による)
The arrive time in Frankfurt depends on congestion at the airport.
*congestion 混雑
③rest on(~に頼る ~にかかっている)
All our hopes now rest on your negotiation skills. Good luck!

A: As I've just explained, the event may have to be gigger than originally planned, so we'd like to apply for an additional budget of 50 million yen. Would you be able to approve this?

B: Frankly, it's not easy to secure an additional budget now, as we are very rigorously reviewing our over all costs. However, I see the rationale(根拠) of making the event bigger, so I'll discuss it within the accounting department.


クロ さん

Italy is one of the countries I want to go.
It's not easy to go abroad now.
But we can get information on the Net easily.
How nice! Thank you!
2022年8月25日 21時00分
ぴのみ さん
2022年8月25日 13時17分
pretty naoko さん
2022年8月25日 11時40分
moo さん


2022年8月25日 10時38分





