

■イタリア語 入門編62 In ascensore(エレベーター)
Signora: Aspetti, signora. (待ってください)
Akane: Venga, prego.(いらしてください、どうぞ)
Signora: Grazie, molto gentile.(ご親切にありがとう)
Akane: A che piano va?(何階にいかれますか?)
Signora:Vado al secondo. E Lei?(2階にいきます)
Akane: Io al terzo.(私は3階です)

〇命令法 敬称のLeiに対する形
1 are動詞 直接法現在2人称単数形(-i)とおなじ
2 ere動詞 原形の語尾ereをとり、aをつけた形
3 ire動詞 原形の語尾ireをとり、aをつけた形 
aspettare(待つ)        Aspetti, signora.
prenndere(取る、食べる、飲む)  Prenda pure.(どうぞお取りください)
sentire(聞く)         Senta.(すみません)

1 dire 言う:dica
  Mi dica.(私におっしゃってください→なんでしょうか)
2 venire 来る:venga
  Venga, prego.
3 fare する、作る:faccia
  Mi faccia un favore.(私に親切をしてください→お願いがあります)

Ⅰ primo   Ⅵ sesto
Ⅱ secondo  Ⅶ settimo
Ⅲ terzo   Ⅷ ottavo
Ⅳ quarto  Ⅸ nono
Ⅴ quinto  Ⅹ decimo

地上階 pianterreno/ piano terra
1階  primo piano
2階  secondo piano
3階  terzo piano

■ビジネス英語 61 竣工式での社長スピーチ
Now, can we have a few words from Anton Meyer, CEO of Iroha-Romano Motor Corporation?
Thank you, Kana.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Thank you for taking the time today to attend the completion ceremony for our new plant. On behalf of the whole company, I'd like to welcome you all.
I'd look forward to this day like a child waiting for his first day at school.
I must confess that, when I cut the tape earlier, my hands were trembling with excitement. I'm truly grateful for your kind support, which has allowed us to start a new chapter for Iroha-Romano here in Chennai.
In particular, I'd like to thank Dr. Patel of the Investment Promotion Agency and his team members. With the strong support of the Tami Nadu State government, we were able to upscale our production facility to a greater extent than originally planned.

completion ceremony 竣工式 /On behalf of     ~を代表して
confess      告白する/upscale       規模を拡大する

〇I'm truly grateful for your kind support
→thank you for~ よりも恩に着る、恩義を感じるというニュアンスが強い
①We should be grateful for the immigrants propping up the dwindling workforce.
*prop up 下支えする
*dwindling 徐々に減少していく
②I'm grateful to you all for contributing to this challenging task.
③I would be grateful if anyone could give my any information about the matter.
*I would be grateful if 「もしそうしてくれたら嬉しい」という丁寧な表現

I really appreciate your thoughtful and kind advice on my future career.
②express one's gratitude(感謝の意を表す)
I'd like to express my sincere gratitude for your financial support.
③be thankful(危険や困難が去って安堵する)
We were just thankful that it has stopped raining shortly before the match began.

■現代英語 Japanese construction firm aims for seaweed bed restoration
A Japanese construction company has come up with a way to cultivate large amounts of marine plants that can absorb carbon dioxide in the ocean.
Kajima says it has developed a technology to artificially produce massive amounts of seaweed that grow in waters around Japan.
The company says it has reproduced a single seaweed algae cell and the successfully planted the seedlings in waters off a town south of Tokyo.

restoration 復元
cultivate   たがやす 培養する
waters    複数形では、海域
a single seaweed algae cell ひとつの海藻の細胞 alga(藻類)algaeは複数形
planted the seedlings in waters その苗を海域に移植した
off a town south of Tokyo 東京の南にある町の沖の(具体的には葉山町)

Carbon sequestration in coastal ecosystems, also known as "blue carbon, " is attracting attention as a way to contribute to decarbonization.

Carbon sequestration 炭素隔離
in coastal ecosystems 沿岸の生態系
blue carbon      海の中で海藻などに吸収される二酸化炭素
*green carbon     森林の中で吸収される二酸化炭素
decarbonization    脱炭素

Japan has seen a decline of its offshore seaweed bed because of land reclamation and warmer ocean temperatures. Kajima says it intends to work with fisheries cooperatives and nonprofit organizations to rehabilitate seaweed beds based on their research.

see a decline       減少を経験する
offshore seaweed bed   沿岸の藻場
land reclamation     埋め立て
reclaim         開墾する
fisheries cooperatives   漁業協同組合
rehabilitate        回復させる

〇also known as~ ~とも知られる

1 数えられない名詞
2 冷たい水、お湯の区別はないので、cold water/ hot waterと使い分ける
3 複数形になると水域、海域、領海
4 hold water 隙がない 水も漏らさない
5 throw cold water on  ~に水を差す


クロ さん

I've just remembered something.... I learned "~hold water" before.
The expression is that "Your argument just doesn't hold water.".(ラジオ英1.72)
2022年8月30日 21時00分
moo さん
複数形のwaters 勉強になりました。

2022年8月30日 14時12分
ぴのみ さん
2022年8月30日 12時41分
pretty naoko さん

hold water、 throw cold water on の熟語もよく理解ができました。
2022年8月30日 9時49分





