■イタリア語応用編23 essereの半過去 後半
io ero/ tu eri/ lui/lei era/ noi eravamo/ voi eravate/ loro erano
〇近過去と半過去の意味の違い(2)dovere, volere
①Ho dovuto studiare per gli esami.
②Dovevo studiare per gli esami.
③Abbiamo voluto mangiare le lasagne.
④Volevamo mangiare le lasagne.
Ero contento del risultato del concorso.
Ero contenta del risultato del concorso.
Eravamo ferici di sentire quella notizia.
Giovanni era ancora giovane a quei tempi.
〇Ancora un po’練習B
C'erano tanti tifosi allo stadio.
C'era una conferenza interessante.
■ラジオ英会話172 限定詞[the]の様々な使い方
①Is this the vegan ramen shop? -Yes, it's one of them.
【the】 vegan ramen shop
it's one of them.
②You've picked the right place.
③It will be the first vegan ramen I've tried.
I've tried【空所】
Our French onion soup ramen is the most popular item.
→ 最上級にtheが使われるのは、theが「一つに決まる」だから。
It's not the only one in town.
It will be the first vegan ramen I've tried.
→ only, first などひとつを指す言葉がtheを伴う例。
the earth/ the world/ the sun/ the moon
You've picked the right place.
He is the right person for the job.
The problem is that.../The trouble is that...
The thing is that...
Where is the rest room?
Where is the city hall?
She's gone to the bank/ the supermarket.
1 Chris's carrot cake is the best that I've ever tasted.
2 The problem is that we have to find a solution by tomorrow.
■現代英語 Amazon deforestation slows slightly
Researchers in Brazil say deforestation in the Amazon has slowed somewhat. But the chunk of rainforest they estimate was lost over a 12-month period was the size of Quatar.
deforestation 森林破壊 森の木を伐採する事
the Amazon アマゾン川、アマゾン川流域 本文ではアマゾン熱帯雨林
somewhat 幾分 / the chunk of ~の広さ
Staff at the National Institute for Space Research blame the deforestation on forest fires and illegal logging. They estimate the area lost in the year through July was about 11,600 square kilometers. That's 11 percent less than year before. But it's more than 10,000 square kilometers for the fourth year in a row.
the National Institute for Space Research 国立宇宙研究所
*brame...on~ ~が…の原因である ...を~のせいにする
illegal logging 違法な伐採
in the year through July 7月までの年間
more than ~を上回っている
for the fourth year in a row 4年連続で
President Jair Bolsonaro actively supports development of the Amazon region. Western governments and environmental activists have accused him of speeding up global warming.
President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has vowed to protect the rainforest. He's suggested holding the UN's COP30 climate change conference in 2025 in the Amazon region.
President-elect 就任前の大統領、次期大統領
[the Amazon]
(例)the Nile、 the Mediterranean、Saharaなど
Same here.
It's so windy. It's like a typhoon.
What a bad weather! Please keep yourself warm.