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"まるごと体感!ハワイアン・ロハス"のフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト - 結果
○ I'm just blessed to have it.
○ He grows everything organically, no spray.
They are everything handmade cookies, no artificial sweetener.
my mother has made them weekly Saturday. I'm just blssed to have it.
夏の手作り料理 *冷やすなすごまみそだれかけ*は私のすきな料理の一つ.
夕方早目に作って冷蔵庫で冷やしておく. いんげんの胡麻和えも美味しい.
Handmade cookies in Summer
My specialty cooking in Summer is cooled eggplant, overed sauce which is mixed pounded sesame seeds and seasoned miso to sweet.
I'm making it a little early in the evening and cooled it in the refrigerator.
Sesame is a very good food in Summer.
kidney with pounded sesame seeds are very good, too.
冷やしなすのごまみそだれかけ は英語で何と言うのか教えて下さい