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I can't stand it anymore!
What kind of time will the woman use these words?
(In my opinion)
(1) 恋人が他にも女性関係が有ったと判っつた時....
When a boyfriend has another womwn relations came out.
(2) 奥さんなら夫が、ギャンブルでお金を使い果たしたと判った時.....または浮気が度重なる時.....
When a husband has exhausted money for a gamble, or women relations came out.
(3) 夫の家族や親せきと、意見が全く合わないとき....etc...
When an opnion doesn't fit a family and the relative of the husband
at all...etc...
I can't stand it anymore, I have thought these word a couple of times in my mind in the past. But I didnt say that, so that everything going well untill now.