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○ Nearly four metres in diameter, they’re (= Tsuzureko Odaiko) the main attraction of this festival...
four metres in diameter = 直係4メ-トル
main attraction = 最大のよびもの
A set pieces are devised by fireart-workmans, they 're main
attaction of the firework festival of the Sumida river.
何といっても太鼓は日本の祭りには欠かせないものです 祭りの日にはどんな町、村、で
も祭り太鼓の音が朝から鳴り響きます 近年観光のメインにしているところもあります。
Drums (taiko) are necessary for festivel in Japan. When the festive
time comes the sound of drum are ringing out through any
towns,villeges early in the morning. They are made use of that the
main attraction for sightseeing in recent years.