Players dressed in ancient costumes have played the traditional Japanese card game karuta at a shrine in Kyoto for the first time in three years.
Eight women clad in colorful kimono took part in the annual New Year's event at Yasaka Shrine on Tuesday. The event was canceled in 2021 and 2022 due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The shrine houses a mythological Japanese deity, Susanoo-no-mikoto, who is said to have composed the first tanka, a type of traditional Japanese poem.
The game features a collection of tanka written by 100 poets from the 7th through 13th centuries. Two players compete face-to-face with cards in between.
カラフルな着物を着た8人の女性が火曜日に八坂神社で毎年恒例の正月行事に参加しました. 2021年、2022年は新型コロナウイルスの影響により中止となりました。
このかるたは、7 世紀から 13 世紀までの 100 人の詩人によって書かれた短歌を集めたことを特徴としています。2 人の競技者が札を挟んで対戦します