The world is full of cultures and traditions that fascinate us. While some of them make sense to us, others don’t and as much as they seem bizarre, people following them continue to do so with complete faith.
One such fascinating ritual is Japan’s Shinto ritual where people dressed in white robes clap and chant before going into an ice water bath. The new year’s ritual in Japan saw a group of men bathe in ice water on January 14 to purify their souls and wish for good fortune this year. The Daily Mail reported that the believers gathered at the Kanda Myojin shrine in Tokyo to participate in the annual cold water endurance ceremony. Photographs captured the moment men poured wooden pots full of ice-cold water over their bodies
そのような魅力的な儀式の 1 つは、白いふんどしをつけた人々が氷水浴に入る前に拍手して唱える日本の神道の儀式です。日本の新年の儀式では、男性のグループが 1 月 14 日に氷水で沐浴し、魂を清め、今年の幸運を祈りました。デイリーメールは、信者が東京の神田明神に集まり、毎年恒例の冷水耐久式に参加したと報じました. 男性が氷のように冷たい水で満たされた木製のポットを体にかけた瞬間を捉えました