nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ He blew up when he found out Tommy missed the project deadline.
○ Who'd have ever thought!
○ He quickly regained his balance after slipping on the ice.
○ I can't believe what he did!
○ Everyone gather together. I have a story to tell.
○ You are not to speak to anyone about this.
○ She claims that your dog is vicious.
○ I forgot to turn off the water and the bathtub overflowed.
○ Each candidate will be interviewed by the human resources manager.
○ Don't enter into an agreement you don't fully understand.
nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ He conducts himself with great dignity.
○ The trash is collected every Friday.
○ He quickly regained his balance after slipping on the ice.
○ I'd like to explore the Big Apple.
○ I'm very pleased with the results.
○ It overlooks the lake.
○ This passport was issued in Tokyo.
○ After the divorce, he could not keep his life in order.
○ Please confirm the following order:
○ There was talk of locating the capital outside of Tokyo.
nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ You scared me out of my wits!
○ There's no limit to what you can accomplish!
○ Do you think I could tag along?
○ I'm having trouble coordinating your schedule with mine.
○ He passed the entrance exam on his second attempt.
○ Being an air traffic controller requires intense concentration.
○ He's a good-looking guy.
○ Each candidate will be interviewed by the human resources manager.
○ It's an interesting plan, but it would be hard to carry out.
○ I work as the Marketing Director for Happy Electronics, Tokyo.
nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
○ I'd like someone who is more outgoing.
○ This is my kind of game!
○ I shouldn't have ignored his advice.
○ Hachiko was a loyal dog.
○ The children were instructed in what to do in case of fire.
○ His mother always supported him.
○ Who approved this expenditure?
○ If there are other items that you would like to bring up for discussion, please let me know by the day before the meeting.
○ I'm still fuming!
○ Money is not the only measure of success.