Im wunderschönen Mai,
ich schwöre, fleißig zu studieren.
I'm relaxed with nothing special all day long. On my working days, I make it a rule to finish everything by 2 o'clock, which makes me spend time in a bustle. I de-cluttered my kitchen in the morning. Though I usually go shopping with my bag, which makes my life eco-friendly, plastic bags are scattered around all over the kitchen. I wonder where they are from. They are more than I need, so I threw many of them. And I put bottles, canned food and any other things laid in back where they should have been. Now everything is so tidy that I don't need to waste time searching for something while cooking. Only I have to do is to keep it. I know it's a no-brainer, but easier said than done.
In the afternoon I picked up the books which I don't need any longer so that I could bring them to the Book-Off. But it doesn't work. The bookshelf isn't tidy at all. I should have taken the books out of the shelf first and given back only the books I wanted to keep close at hand. Though it'll take time, the longest way about is the nearest way home. I'll do it later.
一日中、特別な用事がないって、いいね。 仕事の日は、2時までにいろんなこと終わらせるようにしてる。 それって、スッゴク気ぜわしいんだ。 午前中は、台所を片づけた。 買い物に行くときはいつもエコバックを持っていくようにしてる。環境のこと考えてね。 なのに、レジ袋が台所に散乱してるのは何でだ~? 必要以上にあるから、かなり捨てた。 それから、瓶や缶づめや、そのほかの買い置きの食品類を、あるべき場所に戻した。 今や、キレイさっぱり片付いて、料理中探し物で時間をムダにしなくて済むわ。 この状態を保てばいいのよ。 わかりきったことだけど、言うは易し、行うは難し。
午後からは、ブックオフに持ってくために、もういらない本を選びだした。 でも、うまくいかなかったわ~。 まず、本棚から全部出して、手元に置いておきたいのだけ本棚にもどすようにすれば良かった。 時間かかるけどさ、急がば回れって言うからね。 あとで、またやるよ。
Today's expressions
in a bustle : 気ぜわしく、慌ただしく
eco-friendly : 環境にやさしい
be scattered around : 散らばっている
things laid in : 買い置きの品
lay in : 買い置きする、貯えておく
a no-brainer : わかりきったこと、アタマを使わない簡単なこと
Easier said than done. : 言うは易く、行うは難し
close at hand /near at hand : 手元に
The longest(farthest) way about is the nearest way home. : 急がば回れ
Here are what I will do in May. I will:
1. read TIME, BBC and some books and memorize words I'm interested in.
2. dictate CNN News Digest and memorize words I'm interested in.
3. read aloud 実践ビジネス英語 and memorize words I'm interested in.
4. recitate the dialogue of ラジオ英会話
5. make the best use of CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS
6. memorize キク単.
1. einige Sätze bilden.
2. Beispielsätze auswendig lernen.
3. 毎日ドイツ語 hören.
1. do yoga exercise every day.
2. eat less, cut down drinking to once a week.
3. sleep at least 5.5 hours.
Go for it!
Day 40
Listening & Dictation
CNN Basic Training No.1 ”Skeleton Identified as Richard III”
ペコミス → 正解
stopped to → stuff that
three men's are → as remains are
キンガムランフォ → the king of England from
BBC News "Mt Fuji to become world heritage site"
実践ビジネス英語 Lesson 1 (1) ~ (5)
でも、断捨離ってなかなか出来ないものですよね~ (汗;)
あ~でもスッキリしました!^^ 自分の無駄なぜい肉も捨てたい! (笑)
発刊が古いものや状態の悪いものは、値がつかないようです。 前にブックオフのひとに聞いたら、ハードカバーの本が一番いい値がつくとのことです。でも、いらない本ってたいてい古いんですよね~。
Thank you.
I had been burried by books for one hour.
It's tough for me to say good-bye to my old books.
Whenever I read, I find something new in them.
Wirklich? Mein Geburtstag ist auch im Mai.
Wann ist er denn?
Wow! A peice of cheese cake! I love it.
Don't be too strict. Something delicious makes us happy.
Don't mention it.
Each of us leads our own lives, so please keep at your pace.
Whenever I find your up-dated your diary, I'll fly to your page.
I feel we are one with each other as long as keep learning.
See you again.
I didn't drink even a drop tonight.
But I ate a piece of cheese cake after supper.
I haven't finished yet.
It'll take much more time.
If you were me, you would suffer from obese...^m^