ラジオ英会話 Repairs of London’s Big Ben may cost £40 million Monday, April 25
The British Parliament estimates that repair work on London’s Big Ben clock could cost as much as £40 million if the clock has defects in its hands and needs extensive repair work.
●British Parliament 英国議会 ●estimate 試算する ●repair work on …の改修工事
●defect 欠陥 ●hand 時計の針 ●extensive 広範囲な
The clock tower was built in 1859 and became a landmark of the capital city. But the clock is showing signs of its age, and has fallen behind by six seconds. The report says it could four months to one year to repair the clock, which means that it would come to halt for the longest period in its history.
●landmark 象徴的構造物 ●capital city 首都 ●show signs of one’s age 老朽化が進む
●fallen behind by … …秒遅れる ●come to halt 停止する
Andrew Blick, a lecturer at the University of London says it’s going to be controversial if Parliament authorizes expenditure on that scale. But he adds the clock is expected to become slower and believes something has to be done.
●lecturer 講師 ●controversial 物議を醸すような ●Parliament 議会
●authorize expenditure 経費を認可する ●on that scale それだけの規模
●believe something has to be done どうかしなければならないと思う
Back to the Future sneakers unveiled バックトゥザフューチャーのスニーカー登場
US sporting goods maker Nike says it will offer a new line of self-lacing sneakers, similar to those that appeared in the 1989 movie Back to the Future Part Ⅱ.In the movie the main character time-travels from 1985 to October 21, 2015, and it was on this date Nike officials announced the futuristic shoes.
●sporting goods スポーツ用品 ●a new line of … の新製品
●self-lacing sneaker 靴ひもを自動で締めるスニーカー ●time-travel タイムトラベルする
●officials 関係者(複数) ●announce 発表する ●futuristic 未来の
The first pair was presented to Michael J. Fox, who starred in the movie. Videos of Fox wearing the sneakers appeared online. The 54-year-old actor has been suffering from Parkinson’s disease since he was 30.
●star in 主役を演じる ●Parkinson’s disease パーキンソン病
The sneakers will only be sold at auction, and all the profits will go to the foundation for Parkinson’s research set up by Fox. Nike officials say they will release detailed information on sales of the self-lacing sneakers in spring.
●profit 収益 ●foundation 財団 ●release 公開する
入門ビジネス英語 007 相手の意見に理解する
The possibility of first-time visitors becoming our regular customers is very high.
●first-time visitor 初めて来店する客 ●regular customer 常連客
So, the question is how we can draw new customers into our stores.
●draw A into B AをBに引き込む、引きつける
My opinion is that we should upgrade interior decoration. The stores need to be more stylish.
●upgrade ~を向上させる・改良する ●interior ~内部の ●stylish センスのいい
I take your point, Takashi. If we could, that would be ideal.
●ideal 理想的
〇ですが、それには予算が充分ではありません。 But we don’t have the budget for that.
Why don’t we cut some of TV adverts and renovate a couple of our stores instead?
●advert 広告(advertisement) ●renovate ~を改装する
I take your point, Takashi.
〇言いたいことはわかります I take your point. ➜あなたの(言いたい)ポイントを理解する。
〇ご指摘のとおりです。 That’s a valid point.
●valid 根拠の確実な、確かな、妥当な➜いい点を突いている
〇どうしてそうお考えかは理解できます。 I see where you’re coming from.
〇理屈は理解できます。 I can see your logic.
基礎英語3 I got Asuka-chan in trouble! アスカちゃんをトラブルに巻き込んじゃった!
高木: おはよう、みんな。 Good morning, class.
生徒達: おはようございます、高木先生。 Good morning, Mr. Takagi.
高木: 教科書をだして宿題をチェックしよう。
Please take out your textbook so we can review the homework.
●take out … …を取りだす ●review 復習する
高木: アスカ、最初の質問の答えを言ってくれる?
Asuka, can you share your answer to the first question.
●share 共有する
Asuka, can you share your answer to the first question?
アスカ: あの…ごめんなさい、高木先生。宿題をわすれました。答えられません。
Um…I’m sorry, Mr. Takagi. I didn’t do my homework. I can’t give an answer.
高木: 何!? なぜしてこなかったんだい? What!? Why don’t you do it?
ユキチ: まずい…ぼくのせいだ。 Uh oh…that’s my fault.
●fault 過ち
アスカ: あの…忘れたんです。 ほんとうにごめんなさい。 I…forgot. I’m very sorry, sir.
ユキチ: アスカちゃんをトラブルに巻き込んじゃった!怒るだろうな!埋め合わせをしないと。
I got Asuka-chan in trouble! She will be mad at me now! I hope I can make it up to her.
●get … in trouble ~をトラブルに巻き込む ●mad 怒って
●make it up to … ~に埋め合わせをする ●I hope I can … ~できるといいなあ
I hope I can make it up to her.
in trouble 困った状態
〇アスカちゃんをトラブルに巻き込んでしまった。 I got Asuka-chan in trouble.
〇トラブルに巻き込まれる I get in trouble.
〇アスカが困っている Asuka is in trouble.
Did you get in trouble often at school?
Middle America is in trouble.
陽炎や柴胡の糸の薄曇り 芭蕉
我が家の多肉より、ふっくら、つややか、色っぽい!?(☚ これが原因かも、なんて!) 様々な仕立て方もぜひ、見習わなくては~~(^^ゞ