"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(jul.08'24)first appearance(jun19'23)(初出)
At Monzon Hospital the doctor did the usual tongue-pulling and mirror - thrusting business, assured me in the same cheerful manner as the others that I should never have a voice again, and signed my certificate. While I waited to be examined there was going on inside the surgery some dreadful operation without anaesthetics - why without anaesthetics I do not know. It went on and on, scream after scream and when I went in there were chairs flung and on the floor were pools of blood and urine.
モンソン病院でも、医師は例によって舌をぐいと引っぱり出し、咽喉へ歯鏡をつっこんでから、初めに診てくれた医師たちと同じ陽気な調子で、もう声は出ないね、と宣言して、私の証明書にサインしてくれた。私が診察を待っているあいだに、外科室の内部(なか)では、麻酔なしの何か恐ろしい手術が行なわれていた ー なぜ麻酔を使わなかったのか私にはわからない。その手術はながながと続き、ひっきりなしに悲鳴があがった。あとで私が入っていったときには、椅子が投げ出されていて、床は血と小便の海だった。
The details of that final journey stand out in my mind with strange clarity. I was in a different mood, a more observing mood, than I had been in for months past. I had got my discharge stamped with the seal of the 29 Division, and the doctor's certificate in which I was 'declared useless'. I was free to go back to England; consequently I felt able, almost for the first time to look at Spain. I had a day to put in to Barbastro, for there was only one train a day. Previously I had seen Barbastro in brief glimpses, and it had seemed to me simply a part of the war - a grey, muddy, cold place, full of roaring lorries and shabby troops.
あの最後の旅行は、こまごまとしたことまで、ふしぎなほどあざやかに私の心の中に残っている。それまでの数か月間とは気分が変わって、私の観察力がもっと鋭くなっていたのだ。第二十九師団の判を押した除隊許可証も「軍務不適格」と書いてある医者の証明書も手に入れた。さあ、もういつなんどきでもイギリスへ帰ることができるぞ、と思うと、ほとんど初めて、スペイン見物ができそうな気分になったのだった。バルバストロでまる一日過ごさなければならなかった。なにしろ汽車が一日にたった一本しかなかったからだ。バルバストロは、前にもちょっと見物したことはあるが、あのときは、ただ戦場の一部にすぎないような気がした ー 唸りをあげて走るトラックとみすぼらしい部隊でいっぱいの、灰色で、泥まみれの、寒々とした町だった。
It seemed queerly different now. Wondering throughout it I became aware of pleasant tortuous streets, old stone bridges, wine shops with great oozy barrels as tall as a man, and intriguing semi-subterranean shops where men were making cartwheels, daggers, wooden spoons, and goatskin water-bottles. I watched a man making a skin bottle and discovered with great interest, what I had never known before, that they are made with the fur inside and the fur is not removed, so that you are really drinking distilled goat's hair. I had drunk out of them without knowing this.