■現代英語 Biden trip to Kyiv months in making
in making= in (the)making
U.S. President Joe Biden has made a surprise trip to Kyiv.
U.S. officials say the visit was planned in secret, and initially announced other travel plans.
Ukraine is set to mark one year since the start of the Russian invasion.
“Freedom is priceless. It's worth fighting for , for as long as it takes. And that's how long we're gonna be with you, Mr. President”
Biden pledged ammunition and other fresh military aid worth about 500 million dollars. He also promised additional sanctions against Russia.
be set to (近い将来~になっている)状態を表す。~しそうである。
for as long as it takes いくら時間がかかろうとも
ammunition 砲弾
fresh military aid 新たな軍事支援
additional sanctions 追加制裁
The White House unveiled how the president traveled to the Ukrainen capital. Biden arrived in Poland on Sunday night and took a nearly ten-hour train ride to Kyiv.
The White House says the visit was planned over the course of months for Biden and a small team.
A senior official acknowledged that the trip was risky, and that it was disclosed to Moscow just hours in advance.
over the course of months 数か月かけて
acknowledge (事実などを) 認める
just hours in advance わずか数時間前に
強形:フォー 弱形:ファ と発音されます。
▼It's worth fighting 【for】 , 【for】 as long as it takes.
最初のforは強形 あとのforは弱形。
■Italia, arrivo!(いくぞ、イタリア!)64 ボローニャ
○Ho mangiato bene!
○Su Internet ho trovato un ristorante vicino all'albergo.
Su Internet インターネットで *Internet 頭の文字は大文字
○E per cena ho prenotato lì un tavolo.
○Ho preso un bel piatto di tagliatelle alla bolognese.
un bel piatto 大盛りの
○Dopo cena ho fatto una passeggiata lungo i portici.
lungo (形)長い (前)~に沿って
portico ポルティコ。
建物の二階が道路側にでており、1階部分の空間が通路の建築様式。アーケードのような道です。ボローニャの城壁内のポルティコは全長38km! 暑い時は日差しを和らげ雨の日は濡れないそうです。
助動詞「avere」+ 過去分詞
-are動詞→-ato *-are動詞は規則活用が比較的多い
-ere動詞→-uto *-ere動詞は不規則が多い
規則変化:mangiare/ mangiato, trovare/ trovato, volere/ voluto
不規則変化:fare/fatto, prendere/preso
【Un attimo di pausa】
A Bologna, nel soffitto della Basilica di San Petronio c'è un buco.
A che cosa serve questo buco?
soffito 天井/ buco 穴
serve <servire 役立つ *servire a(per) ~の役に立つ
【Ed ecco la soluzione!】
Èuna meridiana e funziona come un calendario.
meridiana 日時計
finziona <funzionare(機械などが正常に作動する/機能する/役割を果たす)
How interesting!
According to the article, the outside is spartan, the inside is gorgeous
and is named after Saint Patronius. I'd like to go there, too.
By the way, I just took a walk. It's full moon tonight.
ヨーロッパ また行きたいなあ、行けるかなあ、と思う日々。