I cooked spaghetti alla carbonara with asparaguses for my lunch. One of my gogakuru friends recommended it to me. I like carbonara the best of all spaghetti. And asparagus is my favorite vegetable.
I had thought that it was difficult to cook. But actually, it's as easy as ABC. I finished cooking within less than 20 minutes. What is more, it was so delicious! Never have I tasted such a wonderful homemade spaghetti. Along with the main dish, I had a tomato salad with fresh bassil, and after meal, of course, a desert. I had an apricot icecream, which I had bought secretly. Then there came a cup of coffee. I was completely satisfied with my today's lunch.
Thanks to her, I got an amazing, new recipe!
OMG! I've eatn enough for two! The recipe was for two people.
今日は私のお1人様ランチに、アスパラガスのパスタを作った。 これは、ゴガ友のお薦めの一品。 私はパスタの中でカルボナーラが一番好き。それにアスパラガスは大好きな野菜。
作るのムズカシイと思ってた。 でも実際、スゴク簡単。 20分以内でできちゃった。
しかも、とっても美味しい! こんなに美味しいパスタ、家で作ったの食べたことない。フレッシュバジルのトマトサラダを添えて、食後にはもちろんデザートを。 内緒で買っておいた、アプリコットのアイスクリーム。コーヒー付き。 今日のランチに大満足!
あ、ヤバい! 2人前たっぷり食べちゃった! レシピ、二人分だったっけ。
Today's espressions
It's as easy as ABC. : スゴク簡単。
Never have I 過去分詞~ : ~したことがない (倒置)
along with ~ : ~に加えて
I eat enough for two. : 二人前は食べる。
Thanks to you, I had the most delicious pasta that could beat ones in any Italian restaurant! The dishes you recommended to me are always fantastic! I'm glad that you feel happy. So do I.
Oh, you like carbonara too! If you cook such a delicious carbonara, you don't need to go to a restaurant outside. Well, you'll sometimes go just for fun.