To my relief, vegetables in my garden were not damaged so badly. Basil fell down because of the strong wind, so I cut it very short. Fresh leaves are coming out soon. I made basil sauce with those leaves, olive oil, powder cheese and cashewnuts. I usually put them into a mortar and grind them with a wooden pestle. It takes much time, but I love it. I enjoy not only the smell of basil but also the sound of grind. I like to see the leaves turn into sauce gradually and I to taste while grinding. Making basil sauce by hand is a feast for all the senses. But I can't make only a small amount at a time. I made it by mixer today because I had a lot of leaves.
It was good! I use a part of it for my lunch, the cold pasta with tomatoes and basil sauce. It was appetizing on such a humid day. I'm going to use it also for today's supper.
畑の野菜がそんなにひどいことになってなくて、安心した。 バジルが倒れていたから短く切った。 新しい葉がすぐに出てくるだろう。 採ってきたバジルの葉と、オリーブオイル、粉チーズとカシューナッツで、バジルソースを作った。 普段はすり鉢とすりこ木で作る。 時間がかかるけど、好きなんだ。 バジルの香りだけじゃなくて、すりこ木でする音も楽しめる。 葉っぱがゆっくりとソースに変わっていくのを見るのも、味見をするのも好き。 バジルソースを手作りするのは、五感を楽しませてくれる。 でも一度に少ししか作れない。 今日は葉っぱがいっぱいあるから、ミキサーでやった。
美味しくできた。 私の昼ごはんの「トマトとバジルソースの冷製パスタ」に少し使った。 こんな蒸し暑い日には、食欲ををそそる一品だ。 今夜の夕食にも使おう。
to one's relief : ホッとしたことには
a feast for all senses : 五感を楽しませてくれるもの
appetizing : (形容詞)食欲をそそる、おいしそうな
Its smell really makes you happy. And the dish with basil sauce! It makes you feel as if you were eating in an Italian restaurant.
I usually use fresh basil for tomato salad wkth mozzarella. Just like an Italian flag.
I've cooked basil sauce once, more than ten years ago.
Fresh basil is smells good.
Slightly bitter taste, I like it.
I can imagine green of basil and red of tomato.
It's a Italian collar dish which cheer us up, isn't it?