[What is the difference?]
[Guarantee VS Warranty]
[from - Oxford Dictionaries]
■[WARRANTY]⇒A written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time:
■[GUARANTEE]⇒A formal promise or assurance (typically in writing)
that certain conditions will be fulfilled, especially that a product will be repaired or replaced if not of a specified quality and durability
■[warranty]は、(購入した製品やサービスなどに対する/一定期間内での)紙に書かれた保証書であり、通常は[comes with a three-year warranty]のように名詞で用いられる。
⇒[This tv automatically comes with a three year warranty.]
⇒[This phone comes with a ninety-day factory warranty.]
⇒[The product comes with a three-year warranty.]
⇒[This hairdryer you are purchasing comes with a 2 year warranty.]
■[guarantee]は、広義の保証/(口頭)約束で、必ずしも紙に書かれた保証書とは限らない。[we guarantee that…] のように動詞で用いられることが多い。
⇒[I guarantee that you will leave here pleased with our service.]
⇒[The sales person guaranteed that he could beat the prices of all of his competitors.]
⇒[The car is being sold on an 'as is' basis. There is no guarantee that it will operate normally.]
⇒[It is not a wise choice to tattoo his/her name on your body right now. There is no guarantee that you two will be together forever.]
⇒[I can't guarantee it will work.](正常に動くと約束することはできない)
⇒[If it doesn't work, it is okay, because you have a two-year warranty and can replace it.](動かなくても大丈夫。2年保証がついているから、交換できる)
⇒[I guarantee it works, and will work for the next few years.](間違いなく動きます、数年は動きますよ)