Ⅰ.基礎英語 in English Topic 19、Day 1 (再)
[Day1: How do you celebrate the New Year?]
●Dialogue 《冬休み明けた初日、アヤカ(A)とジェイク(J)が新年のあいさつを交わす》
A: Happy New Year, Jake!
J: Happy New Year, Ayaka! Did you make a resolution?
A: A What?
J: A New Year’s resolution. A solution represents a wish to make a good change in your life.
A: Oh, yeah. You promise to do something good or stop doing something bad
in the new year. So, what’s your resolution?
J: This year, I’ll do my best to wash the dishes every night. At least, I’m determined to try.
A: That’s how you celebrate in the United States?
J: We also have fireworks and New Year’s Eve parties.
A popular way to celebrate is to count down to midnight.
How do you ring in the New Year?
A: In my family, it’s a custom to see the first sunrise of the year.
J: What for?
A: Some people think the first sunrise brings good luck and happiness.
J: Huh.
A: We also send New Year’s postcards and eat special foods. On New Year’s Eve,
it’s common to eat long noodles called toshikoshi soba.
J: Why?
A: The long noodles symbolize a wish for long life.
J: Noodles and long life? Count me in!
□ resolution 固い意志、抱負
Ⅱ.ラジオ英会話 Lesson 191 whose
●Dialog 《アントン(A)は、オックスフォードにある女子校のグリゴリー校長(G)の面接を受ける》
G: I am Mrs. Gregory, the headmistress of this school.
So, you are the gentleman whose test results surprised us all.
A: Pleased to meet you, ma’am. My name is Anton Kerr. Why were you surprised?
G: You got a perfect score.
A: Well, it was mostly elementary science.
G: You are an expert in science, Mr. Kerr?
A: I wouldn’t say that, but I know the basics.
G: I believe you would be well suited to be a science teacher here.
A: I’ll do my best. Mrs. Gregory.
□ headmistress (女性の)校長
□ ma’am (目上の女性に対する呼びかけ)先生、奥様
□ 同格
I am Mrs. Gregory, the headmistress of this school.
□ 助動詞の過去形
I wouldn’t say that. (私はそうは言わないでしょう。)
〇Target Forms……whoseを用いた文
You are the gentleman whose test results surprised us all.
① It’s a company whose employees all works from home.
② He’s a painter whose art I bought.
1.That’s Ben. He is the guy whose painting won the contest.
2.Hi. I am the person whose wallet you found. Thank you so much for contacting me.
3.Rebecca is a woman whose opinions are highly value. It’s best to listen to her advice.
Ⅲ.The Sun Also Rises Chapter Ⅰ (6)
The lady who had him, her name was Frances, found toward the end of second year that her looks were going, and her attitude toward Robert changed from one of careless possession and exploitation to the absolute determination that he should marry her. During this time Robert’s mother had settled an allowance on him, about three hundred dollars a month. During two years and a half I do not believe that Robert Cohn looked at another woman. He was fairly happy, except that, like many people living in Europe, he would rather have been in America, and he had discovered writing. He wrote a novel, and it was not really such a bad novel as the critics later called it, although it was a very poor novel. He read many books, played bridge, played tennis, and boxed at a local gymnasium.
(高見浩訳) 第一章 (6)