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■ビジネス英語53 LisaはRonに高級ワイン市場について報告します。
R: Now, could you share what you discussed with our colleagues in London and your findings there?
L:Sure. Perhaps I should start by touching on our traditional luxury market and then move on to new trends. Would that be OK?
R: Yeah that's fine.
L: To summarize, the luxury wine market has remained vibrant. As rich people got richer during the pandemic, they spent more money on wines for drinking at home. Investment in en primeur is rising too.
R: OK. What are the implications for the market going forward? Life is returning back to normal and inflation is creeping up.
L: They think the market remains relatively strong.
First, people have started dining out and drinking more wine. Second, wealthy people are less affected by inflation. Third, wine is a good investment alternative in an inflationary period.
R:Hmm, I see. It all sounds very optimistic.
touch on ~に触れる~について話す
vibrant 活気に満ちた
en primeur (仏)先物買いの
implications 影響 *通常複数形
creep up 忍び寄る
〇What are the implications for the market going forward?
implications ある行動や決定が将来的に他の何かに及ぼす「影響」
What implications does this merger hold for your future business?
Q: この新たな法律は自動車業界に重大な影響を与えるでしょう。
A: This new law will have profound implications for the automobile industry.
**profound 奥深い 表面的ではない
①ramifications(予期せぬ)結果・影響 *通常複数形
As yet, it's difficult to foresee the ramifications of the trade agreement.
②impact インパクト・影響
A transfer to Mumbai had a great impact on my life.
①California is the state that accounts for the majority of EV sales in the US, and Silicon Valley is the capital of venture investment in the automotive sector. Believe it or not, people above a certain level of income are said to prefer American electric cars to luxury German gasoline cars.
②I visited a couple of hospitals in Bangkok that are popular destinations for "medical tourism." The internationally accredited hospitals(国際的に認定された病院)have a system in place to provide medical technology, nursing care, and range of multilingual services to accommodate foreign patients. I think Thailand is one of the leading nations in this industry, and there's much for Japan to learn.
■入門イタリア語 40 補助動詞 volere の使い方
〇voglio andare a Firenze.(私はフィレンツェに行きたい)
io voglio / tu vuoi / lui vuole /
noi vogliamo / voi volete / loro vogliono
Dove vuoi andare?(君はどこに行きたい?)
Non voglio lavare i piatti.(私は皿を洗いたくない)
①自動詞 andare *前置詞に気を付けて
Dove vuoi andare? - Voglio andare a Napoli.
(君はどこに行きたい? 私はナポリに行きたい)
②他動詞 assaggiare *直接目的語代名詞を忘れないで
Vuoi assaggiare questo formaggio?
Sì, lo voglio assagiare.
Vorrei provare questto cappotto.
1 私はイタリアに行きたい。
2 君は何を食べたい?
3 私達はピッツアを食べたい。
4 あなた(Lei)はどこに行きたいですか?
1 Voglio in Italia.
2 Che cosa vuoi mangiare?
3 Vogliamo mangiare la pizza.
4 Dove vuole andare.
〇トレーニング2 質問にSìで答えましょう
1 Vuoi assaggiare questo vino? 君はこのワインを味見したい?
2 Vuoi visitare il Duomo? 君はドゥオーモを訪れたい?
3 Vuoi prendere la gondola? 君はゴンドラに乗りたい?
4 Vuoi nuotare? 君は泳ぎたい?
1 Sì, lo voglio assaggiare.
2 Sì, lo voglio visitare.
3 Sì, la voglio prendere.
4 Sì, voglio nuotare.