■ビジネス英語48 Lisaは東京の上司Ronに倉庫見学の報告をします。
Subject:Visit to the warehouse in Guidford
Hi Ron
Today, Emily deoveme to the warehouse in Guildford.
I was amazed at the number of bottles they keep from customers as well as meticulous maintenance. I enjoyed the conversation with the warehouse manager. He was very passionate - I believe it when he says he treats each bottle of wine as if it were his own child.
On the way back to London, Emily kindly took me to a famous hotel in Richmond for an afternoon tea.
Tomorrow, I'll have a meeting at HQ, and I'll take an evening flight back to Tokyo.
See you soon!
〇Ron's reply
Dear Lisa
I think the warehouse tour was very informative. That warehouse is microcosm of WCS's history, company philosophy, and relationships with both customers and producers.
I felt proud to be a WCS employee when I saw that warehouse.
Safe journey home!
*microcosm 小宇宙 縮図
〇Follow-up Email
A1:When I return to Tokyo, I'll finalize the wine list for proposal.
A2:I'll put the final touches to the wine list for proposal upon my return to Tokyo.
*finalize:まとめる 仕上げる
*put the final touches to~:~の最終仕上げをする
*upon :~次第
Hi Ron
Sorry! I forgot to report one thing.
I've spoken to Mr.Aoki at Mamma Rosa, and we've almost reached an agreement. When I return to Tokyo, I'll finalize the wine list for proposal.
Nearly half of eligible men took paternity leave in Japan last year
A survey by Japan's biggest business organization shows that nearly half of eligible male workers took child care leave last year. That's up 18 percentage points from the year before. The Japan Business Federation, also known as Keidanren, conducted the poll from April to early May.(略)
The average period of leave was 44 days.(略)
A legal revision that came into force in October 2022 gives male workers up to four weeks of paternity leave.(略)
Last year's trend for relatively long leave periods was strongest at large firms. But the numbers tend to be lower at smaller firms with no more than 300 employees. Only about one in three men who took leave at those companies stayed at home for a month or longer. Forty-six percent took fewer than five days off.
eligible 資格のある
paternity 父親であること
child care leave 育休
legal revision 法改正 (具体的には育児・介護休業法)
come into force 発効する 施行する
no more than~ ~を越えない
for a month or longer 1か月以上
fewer than ~未満
ラテン語で案内する *conductor(乗務員、指揮者)をイメージするとよい。
①導く 指揮して行う
②振舞う 行動する
■マッテオのレシピ12か月【12月】Cotechino e lenticchie
〇Ingredienti per 2 persone 材料2人分
100g di lenticchie レンズ豆100g
1/2 carota にんじん1/2
1/4 cipolla 玉ねぎ1/4
1/4 di costa di sedano セロリの茎1/4
150g di cotechino precotto コテキーノ(加熱処理済み)150g
1 ramentto di rosmarino ローズマリーの小枝 1本
qualche foglia di alloro ローリエ 数枚
acqua 水
olio extravergine di oliva エクストラバージンオリーブオイル
sale e pepe 塩・こしょう
〇procedimento 料理の手順
Cominciamo preparando il cotechino: senza toglierlo dalla sua confezione di alluminio, lo facciamo cuocere per circa 20 minuti dal momento dell'ebollizione.
Nel frattempo, in un'altra pentola con un po'd'olio, mettiamo a rosolare la carota, lacipolla e il sedano tritati molto finemente.
Aggiungiamo le lenticchie , il rosmarino e le foglia di alloro e ricopriamo con dell'acqua.
Portiamo ad ebollizione e lasciamo cuocere per circa 30 minuti.
Regoliamo di sale e pepe e teniamo in caldo.
Scoliamo e scartiamo il cotechino, lo spelliamo e lo tagliamo in fettine di circa 5mm.
Trasferiamo le lenticchie su un piatto da portata e le ricopriamo con le fette di cotechino allineate una sull'altra.
Decoriamo con qualche foglia di alloro e un po' di olio a crudo, serviamo e gustiamo in attesa del nuovo anno!
1 senza ~せずに/~しないで *senza+不定詞
togliere 取り出す
confezione 名女 包装・パッケージ
alluminio 名男 アルミニウム
2nel frattempo その間に
5 tenere in caldo 保温する
6 scartiamo<scartare 包装を開けて中身を取り出す
spelliamo<spellare 皮を取り除く
fettine/ fetta パンや肉などのスライス
7 ricoprire 覆う かぶせる
una sull'altra 片方をもう一方の上に重ねて
8 in attesa di~ 成句~を待つ間
I'll leave it up to you.
Our working hours are flexible. It's totally up to you.
Stay as long as you like. It's totally up to you.
take any room you please.(お好きな部屋をお選びください)
The choice is yours. The choice is all yours.(選択するのはあなたです)
It's your call.It's your decision.(決めるのはあなたです)
Do what's best for you.(あなたにとって最善の事をしなさい)
1 You can come over any time. It's totally up to you.
2 When do you want to get together? I'll leave it up to you.
3 We have many dessert options. Take your pick.