■入門イタリア語 Lezione27 自動詞トレーニング②
〇Andiamo al bar !((私達は)バールに行こうよ)
<定冠詞 復習>
男性名詞 単数 il 複数i (母音で始まる)単数l' 複数gli
(それ以外に s+子音、zで始まる名詞 単数lo 複数gli)
女性名詞 単数la 複数le (母音で始まる)単数l' 複数le
<a + 定冠詞>
il -al/ i -ai/ la -alla/ le -alle/ l' -all' /gli -agli
①al bar バールに/ al cinema映画館に/ al mare 海に
②ai Musei Vaticani ヴァチカン美術館に
③alla stazione 駅に
④alle terme 温泉に
⑤all'aeroporto空港に / all'estero 海外に
⑥agli Uffizi
Andiamo alle terme.(私達は温泉に行く)
Sono all'aeroporto.(私は空港に行く)
il-dal/ i-dai/ la-dalle/ le-dalle/ l'-dall'/ gli-dagli
dal medico お医者さんの所に
dal dentisata/ dalla dentista 歯医者さんのところに
*男性か女性かで定冠詞だけが変わります。il dentista, la dentista
Oggi vado dal medico. 今日、私はお医者さんに行く
〇inも定冠詞との結合形はあります。でもandare in とessere in の後ろは定冠詞がいりません。
場所を表す前置詞のinは、「andare in」 と「essere in」 の後ろは定冠詞がつかない。
Andiamo in biblioteca/ centro.
al supermercato/ al ristorante/ alla stazione/ all'estro(海外に)
If I understand you correctly, sometimes we need company, other times we
need to be alone.
If I understand you correctly, you are saying.../ you are saying that...
Are you saying that...?
So you are saying that...right?
Are you trying to say( that)
So what you really think is that...
Let me get this straight.
Let me see if I've got this.
Does that sounds about right?
1 If I understand you correctly, you are saying that we need at least four people for this project.
2 So you are saying that it can't be done within the budget, right?
■ビジネス英語 35 地下室を見学する
D: Now this is the basement.
This is where receptions and client dinners are held.
What do you think?
L: Each room has its own character, a perfect blend of modern and old.
The first thing that came to mind was that it would be nice to have facilities like this in the Tokyo office.
D: Hmm, your request is noted.
These private rooms are varied in size and design, representing the rich heritage of our illustrious history.
We try to keep a cozy atmosphere in all the rooms.
L: I think the rooms are well suited to intimate gatherings.
After all, wine is as much as a social beverage as it is a part of cusine.
Now, this is the grand space for bigger private or corporate receptions.
The wine celler is quite modest, as most of the wine has beem moved to our warehouse in Guildford.
character 個性、特徴
varied 変化に富んでいる
illustrious (功績・経歴などが)輝かしい 華々しい
cozy 居心地が良い
be suited to~ ~に適している ふさわしい
initimate 親しい 親密な
gathering 集まり 会合 収集
social beverage 社交の時の飲み物
grand 壮大な、豪華な
modest 控えめな
warehouse 倉庫
Guildford ギルフォード ロンドンの南西43kmにある都市
〇be suited to(for)~ ~に適している ふさわしい
I think the rooms are well suited to intimate gatherings.
The land is well suited for growing soybeans.
A:I think I am well suited to this position.
Do we have a suitable candidate for the role?
I don't think it's appropriate to wear a T-shirt to this gathering.
A: Soundproof booth are <must-haves>, as remote meeting are becoming increasingly common.
That way, you don't disturb the people around you when you speak.
B:That's true. On the top pf that you don't need to worry about the noise around you when you unmute yourself.
*on the top of that, そのうえ
A: A playroom in the corner of the canteen would be a <nice-to-have>. Parents could bring their children from neighboring day-care center during lunch break to play together.
B: I like your idea. Parents can interact with their children even if it's only for a short time.
Is it a must-to-have (なくてはならないもの)or a nice-to-have(あったらいいもの)?