■入門イタリア語 Lezione34 25-27復習
Andiamo? - Sì, andiamo.
Vado a Napoli. (町)
Vado in Italia.(国)
Vado da Paolo. (人)
1 Vado a MIlano.
2 Andate in Giappone?
3 Andiamo da Marco.
1 a+定冠詞
+il=al/ +i=ai/ +la=alla/ +le=alle/ +l'=all' +gli=agli
2 da+定冠詞
+il=dal/ +i=dai/ +la=dalla/ +le=dalle/ +l'=dall' +gli=dagli
Vado al bar.(バールへ)
Vado all'aeroporto.(空港へ)
Vado dal medico.(医者へ)
Vado in biblioteca.(図書館に)
1 Vado al supermercato.
2 Vado al mare.
3 Vado ai Musei Vaticani.
4 Vado alle terme.
Insegnante: Che cosa fai questo fine settimana?
Haruka : Vado a Firenze con Takeru.
Insegnante: Ah bene!
Haruka : Andiamo agli Uffizi.
Insegnante: Che bello! Buon divertimento!
*Che+形容詞 なんて~なんだ!
*Buon divertimento! 「楽しんできて」
■ビジネス英語 Tom Mayes③ 人事施策の違いについて
〇Listening point
①What are the characteristics of Japanese companies in terms of HR as a whole?
②Who do the HR policies in global companies tend to focus their resources on?
So, you used to be in charge of talent management at a Japanese company. What do you think are the differences between Japanese and foreign companies in terms of corporate HR strategies and employee attitude s toward personal development?
Tom Mayes:
So, first of all, I would say, maybe personally, I do not like so much categorizing as a Japanese company or global company. Because I think not all companies can be categorized as one or the other.
But if you were to press me, I would say personally see a few broad differences between HR in Japanese companies and global companies. So first of all, I will speak about maybe HR as a whole, and then I will speak specifically about learning and development.
So, in terms of HR as a whole, for Japanese companies, I think they're very good at looking after the whole, and they really, really, care about their people. And they have...I feel that a Japanese company has a strong sense of purpose.
And I think that is why, in the Japanese companies that I have worked for, I felt a very strong sense of dedication from the employees towards the company cause. I kind of see Japanese companies as kind of like a big family. And I think the HR practice in Japanese companies are set up to support everybody.
They're designed to support the whole, whereas on the other hand, I feel that, in global companies' HR politics, there tends to be maybe more focus on the key roles, the key position, or the key talents. And resources tend to be directed towards those few people, and maybe the others are expendable. They can leave the company if they choose to. So, there is more maybe fluidity in the workforce, I think, in global companies. So that's one big difference that I feel when thinking about, maybe, HR policy.
company cause 経営理念
expendable 使い捨ての 代用の利く
fluidity in the workforce 労働力の流動性
①They really care about all of their people.
②The policies tend to focus resources on the key roles, the key positions, or the key talents.
You say that Japanese companies' human resource development focuses on the whole of the workforce, whereas foreign companies focus on key personnel.
Which approach do you think is better for increasing a company's competitiveness and securing global talent?