■入門イタリア語 Lezione33 動詞 cominciare
cominciare (自)始まる/(他)始める/+a+不定詞 ~し始める(*注意)!
〇La lezione comincia.(授業が始まる)
〇cominciare (自)始まる
La lezione comincia alle nove.(授業は9時に始まる)
~時に:「alle+数字」/ 1時だけ、「all'una」
uno/ due/ tre/ quattro/ cinque/ sei/ sette/ otto/
nove/ dieci/ undici/ dodici
〇cominciare (他)始める
Quando cominci la dieta?いつ君はダイエットを始めるの?
- La comincio domani!(私はそれを)明日始めるよ!
〇cominciare a +動詞の不定詞「~し始める」
A che ora cominciate a cenare?
-Cominiciamo a cenare alle nove.
A che ora cominci a guardare la TV?
―La comincio a guardare alle nove.
La lezione finisce alle nove.(授業は9時に終わる)
Finisco i compiti.(私は宿題を終える)
Finisco di cenare alle nove.(私は9時に夜ご飯を食べ終える)
▼finire+di+不定詞 ~し終える
①私は掃除をし始める *fare le pulizie
④君はいつイタリア語を勉強し始めるの? *studiare l'italiano?
1 Cimincio a fare le pulize.
2 Il film comincia alle sette.
3 A che ora cominciamo a cenare?
4 Quando cominci a studiare l'italiano?
1 Cominci a studiare l'italiano?
-Sì, lo comincio a studiare.
2 Cominci a cercare lavolo? *cercare lavolo 仕事を探す
-Sì, lo comincio a cercare.
3 Cominci a fare le pilizie?
-Sì, le comincio a fare.
4 Cominci a lavorare?
-Sì, comincio a lavorare.
Ragtime (音楽)ラグタイム
Isn't the air in here a little stuffy?
*stuffy 空気がこもった状態
You know, my students say I'm stuffy. Am I?
*stuffy 新しいことを受け付けない 古臭い
〇Shall I open the window?(窓を開けましょうか?)
Why don't I buy you a drink?(あなたに奢りましょうか)
Why don't I drive you home?(お宅まで車で送りましょうか)
Why don't I pick you up at the airport?(空港に迎えに行きましょうか?)
Can I help you? / May I help you?(お手伝いしましょうか)
Let me carry that for you.(それを運ばせて下さい)
Let me get the door.(ドアを開けさせてください)
Let me take that.(それを取らせて下さい)
Let me wash the dishes.(皿洗いをさせてください)
What can I do for you?(何をお手伝いしましょうか)
②何をお手伝いしましょうか? ティムが貴方が助けを必要としていると言っていました。
1 Why don't I drive? I know that road well.
2 What can I do for you? Tim said you needed help.
3 Let me pay for lunch. You paid last time.
■ビジネス英語 43
L: What does a collector's typical wine portfolio look like?
E: Bordeaux and Burgundy are usually the cornerstones of a balanced collection, but portfolios are really diverse.
L: Sorry to bombard you with questions, but what's the purpose for collectors to store wines? Is it for their own future pleasure or for investment?
E: No need to apologize. I like your curiosity. Regarding your question, it7s both for pleasure and for investment. You can have wines delivered to you at any time. You can also buy and sell them using our wine exchange app.
L: Really? In that case, wines have to be kept at the optimum temperature and humidity to retain their value.
E: Yes, even the angle of the bottles is taken care of. Every small detail can make a difference in how a wine mature. You're going to hear more about that from our warehouse manager.
cornerstone 土台 基本
bombard (質問・要求などで)攻め立てる 苦しめる
*Sorry to bombard you with questions... 質問攻めにして申し訳ありませんが
have ~delivered ~を配達させる ~を配達してもらう
exchange 取引 交換
optimum 最適な
retain 維持する
take care of ~に気を付ける ~の世話をする
*even the angle of the bottles is taken care of ボトルの角度まで気を配る
mature 熟成する
〇make a difference 影響を及ぼす
Every small detail can make a difference in how a wine mature.
Changing the color of the wall will surely make a difference in the lightning.
A: Regular exercise can make a difference in your health.
1 Bring about a change 変化をもたらす
Paul's positive attitude brought about a change in his team's enthusiasm.
2 transform(大きな変化を起こす)
The merger transformed the company into a global player.
A: When we ask foreign guests at the checkout how their stay was, the answer is invariably “We enjoyed it very much.” So it's hard to know what they really thought.
B: If you want to ask about areas for improvement, perhaps you can follow that answer with “Is there anything we can improve on? We would love to hear from you.” Then they would probably tell you what they really felt.
B:It's the same for everyone. Why don't you show that you want to talk to people around you? Just put a smile on your face. That way people will start talking to you without you having to find someone to talk to.