■現代英語 Face-off in Diet 国会での対決
Japan's ruling coalition is rushing to enact key legislation before the current session of the Diet ends in less than a month.
The Liberal Democratic Party and its junior coalition partner, Komeito, have a number of bills they are pushing through.
face-off 対決
ruling coalition 連立与党
enact 成立させる
in less than a month 一か月足らずで
its junior coalition partner その少数連立相手
They include raising the level of defense spending by more than 50 percent over five years.
The ruling parties are also looking to amend immigration rules to allow for the deportation of asylum-seekers who applied for refugee status three or more times.
The government also wants to enact a bill that would promote understanding of the LGBTQ community.
The opposition bloc is set to grill the government over its plan to raise taxes to boost defense spending and secure funds for addressing Japan's falling birthrate.
defense spending 防衛費
raise...by~ …を~倍引き上げる
amand 改正する
the deportation of asylum-seekers 難民申請者の強制送還
*asylum 戦争や迫害などを逃れて海外からやってきた人に与えられる保護、亡命
grill 厳しく追及する
secure (動)~を確保する
Meanwhile, speculation is rising among lawmakers Prime Minister Kishida could decide to dissolve the Lower House for a snap election after his recent diplomatic successes, including the G7 summit.
speculation 憶測
to dissolve the Lower House for a snap election
衆議院を解散し、急な選挙を行う事 =解散総選挙 *snap 急な・抜き打ちの
ruling coalition (party) 連立与党
■ビジネス英語 Tom Mayes①
Ton Mayersさんは、 HRD(企業の人材開発)のスペシャリスト。
今回はかつて勤めていた大手製薬会社での社員研究所(learning institute)における経験について伺いました。
Listening point
1 Regarding the second area, what skills was the program designed to develop?
2 What was the fifth area of the program focused on?
Let me ask about your experience at the learning institute. What was the goal and characteristics of the training program?
Tom Mayes:
Broadly speaking, our work... we looked five areas.
So first area was leadership development. So that was enabling our people leaders, supporting them to grow and develop. And we had a particular emphasis there around unbossed leadership and working with the leaders so that they could better coach their teams and enable their teams nd empower their teams.
Broadly speaking おおまかに言うと
unbossed leadership「アンボス」部下が主体的に動くよう仕向けるリーダーシップ
empower 自信を持たせる 権限を与える
The second main area we worked in was around skills, particularly building the skills that we require in the future. So we would think, four or five years down the line, how the company might change and what skills we might require at that time. And we backtracked to the present, and we designed various programs, so that we could start work on developing those skills before we actually needed them.
down the line これから先
backtrack to ~まで遡る 引き返す
Then the third area was around culture. So the learning institute was also responsible for driving that culture of curiosity, encouraging our associate to learn with range , with breadth, and to actively engage in the self-development and take ownership
be responsible for ~の役割を担う
drive 推進する
with range , with breadth,(日本語訳では,広範に幅広く)
take ownership of ~を自分のものにする
The fourth area was around talent, So that's supporting associates in business-critical roles and ensuring they have what they need so that they can develop accordingly.
business-critical ビジネスの上で重要な
accordingly それに応じて
And then the fifth piece was around external learning. So our activities were not just in-house, not just within the company, but we also ran various learning programs with business school, universities. And the purpose of this was to enhance our EVP, our external EVP. So this(*=EVP) means “employee value proposition.” So, this is the value that the company can offer its employees. Foe example, you promote the great activities or the great benefits or value that you can bring to employees outside of the company. So by going to universities and running various pioneering, exciting learning programs with them, we were hoping to enhance our corporate brand value so that more young people in Japan would be attracted to our company and would be inspired to come and work with us.
external 外部の
in-house 社内の
value proposition 価値の提案 企業が提供する価値
pioneering 先駆的な
Answer to listening points
1 Skills that they require in the future.
2 External learning.
Regarding the fifth point, external learning, I understand that you developed a program jointly with business schools and universities.
In what ways was that different compared to your in-house program?
メイズさんの英語は聞きやすいのですが、内容が理解しづらく今もまだ完全にわかっていません。growとdevelopment、 rangeとbreadth、 skillとtalentなどの違いが未解決のままです。今日調べてみます。
②breadthは古英語から派生したbrede(幅 幅が広い)が語源
rangeとbreadth の違いの詳しい解説は、見当たりませんでした。
Have a great weekend!!!
“grow”は「生き物が自然に成長して変化していく様子」という意味です。 “develop”は「あるものが人の力により成長して変化していく様子」という意味です。