■入門イタリア語 Lezione35 31-33復習
①自動詞 通る 過ぎる、立ち寄る
Passiamo al supermercato. スーパーマーケットに立ち寄る
②他動詞 過ごす
Dove passi le vacanze? 君はどこでバカンスを過ごすの?
-Le passo in Sardegna. サルディーニャで過ごすよ。
〇トレーニング1 passare
1 Passo al bar.
2 Passate da Ugo?
3 Passiamo al bar?
4 Passi in biblioteca?
〇andare+ a+ 動詞の不定詞:~しに行く
①andare a +自動詞
Vado a dormire. 私は寝に行く
②andare a +他動詞
Andate a trovare Paola? 君達はパオラに会いに行くの?
- Sì, la andiamo a trovare. うん私達は彼女に会いに行くよ
〇トレーニング2 質問にSìで答えましょう
①Vai a prendere un caffè? 君はコーヒーを飲みに行くの?
②Vai a correre? 君は走りにいくの?
③Vai a comprare la frutta? 君はフルーツを買いに行くの?
④Vai a prendere Mario? 君はマリオを迎えに行くの?
1Sì, lo vado a prendere.
2Sì, vado a correre.
3Sì, la vado a comprare.
4Sì, lo vado a prendere.
H:No! Non abbiamo la birra! La vado a comprare!
To:Però il super,ercato è già chiuso.
H:Allora la vado a comprare al bar!
Ta:Ma la partita comincia fra poco...
bitta 名女 ビール/ Però 接 でも/ già 副 もう
chiuso 形 閉まっている / partita 名女 試合
fra poco まもなく もうすぐ
■現代英語 Leaders trade blame for dam disaster
We begin in southern Ukraine, where tens of thousands of people have been displaced by destruction of a major dam.
Kyiv and Moscow have traded blame as officials on both sides scrambl to provide humanitarian aid.
Russian troop occupied the hydroelectric dam on the Dnipro river since last year. Ukrainian officials had previously warned Moscow may try to destroy it, and now say that's what's happened.
trade blame 非難しあう
be displaced 強制退去する 追いやられる
scramble to 苦労して~する 慌てて~する 奔走する
hydroelectric dam 水力発電所
he Dnipro river ドニプロ川
It was mined. It was mind by Russia's occupiers. They blew it up.
The Kremlin denies responsibility and blames Ukraine.
In order to prevent a Russian offensive in this sector, the Kyiv regime committed an act of sabotage, effectively a terrorist attack.
Meanwhile, the operators say stopping the water is impossible, which could mean thousands of residents under evacuation order may not know when they can go home.
mine 鉱山 地雷 (動)地雷を仕掛ける
blow up 爆破する
in this sector この地域
Kyiv regime キーウの政権
an act of sabotage 破壊工作行為
①水 温度を表すには形容詞をつける hot water, cold water
②drink water:水をのむ、boil water:お湯をわかす
③the water: 陸地に対して、水のある場所
L:For the first time in my life, I got to enjoy a real afternoon tea. Thank you.
E:My pleasure. So, let's drive back, shall we?
Regarding the afternoon tea set menu, did you notice the alcohol-free wine alongside the Champagne?
L:Yes. It reminds me of Daniel's comment yesterday. He said that nearly third of pub-goers un the UK are now completely alcohol-free.
E: Correct. How do you think we should deal with the situation?
L: It's not an easy hurdle to overcome. I don't think regular wine drinkers will suddenly switch to non-alcoholic wines just because they're healthier. They'll probably be interested in organic wine and natural wines first. If that's case, the first step would be to broaden the product range of organic and natural wines.
E: That's the natural opinion, I suppose.
alongside ~と並んで
remind A of B AにBを思い出させる
broaden 広げる
〇remind A of B :AにBを思い出させる
It reminds me of Daniel's comment yesterday.
I was reminded of a story related to this project.
A:The song reminds me of my college days.
①take ~back:~を引き戻す
Oh, I remember this! This taste alone takes me back to 1999.
②bring back ~をよみがえらせる
The talk brought back that the motivation I had when I first entered the company.
①Thank you for inviting me to dinner today. It was my first time having such authentic Thai cuisine, and I was very impressed not just by the food but also by your hospitality.
②Thank you for showing us around Silicon Valley today. I was overwhelmed by the sheer size of the site, as well as the passion and ambition of the workers there.
「ィや~んだぁぁぁ! ビールがなぁ~いィィ」と聞こえ思わず笑ってしまいました。ですが、イタリア人は日本人と違い、このような場面では少し大げさに聞こえるくらい感情を込めるのね・・・と改めて思ったところです。