■イタリア語音読講座 Ad alta voce(大きな声で)
Lezione4 Le avventure di Pinocchio ピノッキオの冒険
stropicciandosi gli occhi
⤴ 上げ調子で読む
-**Oh! / **Babbino mio!/ Finalmente [vi ho trovato]!/
[Ora poi] non [vi lascio] **più, mai più, mai più!/
Oh! Babbino mio!は驚きを表す。気持ちを込めて強調して読む。
vi ho trovato、 vi lascio の、viは続く動詞とセットになる。
ora poiは2語で「今後」とう意味。続けて読む。
più, mai più, mai più 反復により強調されている。
-Dunque [gli occhi] [mi dicono] [il vero]? ⤴ / -replicò
[il vecchietto], stropicciandosi gli occhi/ -Dunque
[tu se']**proprio [il mi' caro ]Pinocchio?⤴
gli occhi, il veroは冠詞+名詞のセット
mi diconoのmiは続く動詞とセット
replicò il vecchietto......の文は地の文。淡々と読みましょう。
tu se'、il mi' caroも一息に読む
-**Sì, **sì, sono **io, **proprio **io!/ E **voi [mi avete]
digià perdonato,[ non è vero?] /**Oh! / Babbino mio,
come siete buono!/
mi aveteとnon è(ノネ) vero?も続けて一気に読む。
come siete buono!は、感嘆文なので強調して読む。
■現代英語 Japan Kose cosmetics group to buy Thai beauty brand
Japanese cosmetics group Kose says it it is acquiring a Thai beauty brand to capitalize on growth in Asian market.
Kose announced it will pay about 12 billion yen or roughly 80 million dollars, for a 79 percent stake in Puri. The company is known for its Panpuri cosmetics brand. Once the deal is completed, Puri will become a Kose subsidiary
acquire 買収する (努力して何かを)手に入れる
capitalaze on~ ~を利用する ~を活用する
billion 10億/ million 100万
Puri (タイの化粧品ブランドの)社名
subsidiary 子会社
Puri has outlets in Thailand and Hong Kong. Kose plans to use Puri as a springboard to enter emerging market in Southeast Asia and India.The Japanese company is hoping to reduce its reliance on business in China.
What was once one of the firm's main businesses has been struggling due to sluggish consumption and fierce local competition. Kose also aiming to branch out into emerging markets in what is know as the Global South. The business environment in China is also hurting the performance of another major Japanese cosmetics maker, Shiseido. The company generates a quarter of its sales there.
outlet 店舗
as a springboard 足がかりとして(比喩的表現) *springboard=踏切板
emerging market 振興市場
reliance 依存
「What was once one of the firm's main businesses 」は中国におけるビジネスを指す。localも中国をさす。
sluggish のろのろした 活気のない 不景気な
fierce 激しい 猛烈な 獰猛な
branch out 枝を出す(商売の手を広げるという比喩的表現として使われている)
The business environment in China 中国での事業環境
hurt 損なう *資生堂も苦戦している
〇the Global South(グローバル サウス)
定義はあいまい。新興国(emerging countries)途上国(developing companies)を総称することば。人口増加、経済成長を続ける、欧米や日本と異なった政治環境(different political environments)を持っている。その重要性が国際社会で認識し始められている。
the flexible board that a diver or a gymnast jumps on to get a boost
Her experience in the debate club was a spring board for her career in politics.
〇branch out(枝をだす)