28-1 Spegniamo...!1(私たちは~消そうよ)と言ってみましょう
①Spegniamo il riscaldamento.
②Spegniamo la stufa.
③Spegniamo il cellulare. *il cellulare(男)携帯電話
④Spegniamo la luce.
⑤Spegniamo l'area condizionata.
28-2 Cerco...(私は~を探しているのですが)と言ってみましょう
①Cerco una valigia. valigia(スーツケース)
②Cerco una giacca.
③Cerco un orologio.
④Cerco un anello.
⑤Cerco un paio di stivali.
29-1 直接目的語代名詞にしましょう
①il calcio ➡ lo
②la spesa ➡ la
③il caffè ➡ lo
④le lasagne ➡ le
⑤i vini italiani ➡li
⑥l'italiano ➡lo
⑦il pesce ➡ lo
⑧la carne ➡ la
29-2次の質問にSì,/ No,の両方で答えましょう
①Ami il calcio?
Sì, lo amo. / No, non lo amo.
②Oggi fai la spesa?
Sì, la faccio. / No, non la faccio.
③Prendi il caffè?
Sì, lo prendo. / No, non lo prendo.
④Compri i vini italiani?
Sì, li compro. / No, non li compro.
⑤Mangi la carne cruda?
Sì, la mangio./ No, non la mangio.
■ラジオ英会話 188 関係代名詞節内で主語の位置に空所がある場合
There was one by Picasso, Guernica.
〇That's the painting that impressed me the most.
Is there any one painting that stands out to you?
I'm guy who prefers simple things.
My sister has a kid who is in high school.
1 I have a couch that seats five.
It takes up most of the living room.
*take up (時間・場所などを)占める
2 Haley is the girl who stole may heart. (steal stole stolen)
It was a love at first sight.
3 I heard a rumor that really surprised me.
Apparently John and Becky started dating.
■現代英語 Japan's dairy farmers slump below 10,000
The number of dairy farmers in Japan has fallen to below 10,000 as a higher feed costs erode income.
The Japan Dairy Council says as of October the year, the ranks of dairy farmers have fallen almost six percent year-on-year. The 9960 total of such workers is the lowest since 2005 when the data started to be collected.
A council survey found almost 60 percent of these farmers were losing money on their operations. The organization queried more than 230 operators in September about their business performance. The agriculture ministry has cited shrinking incomes as the reason for the decline.
slump 下降する 急激に下落すること
below 未満
erode むしばむ 侵食する
The Japan Dairy Council 中央酪農会議
were losing money・・・赤字であることを示している
ranks 共通の目的を持つ人の集団 この意味では「複数形で」
year-on-year 前年同期比で
query 質問する 問い合わせする
cite 引き合いに出す
A survey conducted by the ministry shows productions costs that dairy farmers paid in 2022 rose about 18 percent from the average for the preceding 10 years.
Dairy farmer income shrank 60 percent compared with the 10-year average, even though revenue has remained flat.
The ministry is considering ways to pass on higher farming costs into the prices of dairy products.
preceding その前の 先行する
shrink 縮む 縮小する
remain flat 横這いのままである
〇even though
Even though I've never studied Italian, I'm planning to spend a year in Rome.
Even though the yen is weak, I'm going to buy some equipment for horse riding from Germany.