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Zaytox, where are you going?
I have to go home now.
Why? you just joined our shogi club?
It has been fun but it's time to go.
They know I'm here.
Oh, no. Sota is out of town on a trip.
That's too bad.
I wanted to say goodbye to him.
We will never forget you, Zaytox.
Thank you both for taking good care of me.
See you around.
Take care、 Zaytox.
You too, Masami.
Dr. Stein. We came as soon as we could.
Oh, Genie and Frankie. Thank you for coming to see me.
How are you feeling, doctor?
Much better. Thanks. I fell down and broke something I guess.
It was lucky Frankie was home. He told me he called the ambulance right away.
I'm very grateful for that.
Doctor, these flowers are for you.
Oh, they're beautiful. Please sit down.
It's okay. We can't stay long. We'll be back tomorrow.
Hi. Is this the Vegan Ramen shop?
Yes, it's one one them. I like to think it's the best.
Oh, do you run this place?
Yes、 I do.
Whould you like to see the menu?
A little later. May I ask you a strange question first?
You haven't seen an alien coming here, have you?
An elien? Ha, ha ha.. As far as I know there are no aliens here.
Silly question, right.
Morning dad.
Good morning, Roxy.Well, it's still morning technically...It's eleven thirty though.
I came home from work a little last night. I needed to sleep.
Roxy, I don't think you should work so much. You're still in college.
But I make more money on the night shift.
It seems to me that you should think about your helth more than money.
I'm fine, dad. I never get sick, you know.
Hey! Look at my new jacket.
Um.. No offense, but it doesn't suit you so well.
Let me choose another one for you as your birthday present.
Everyone says I have good taste in clothes.
Hi、 what's up?
It's hard to tell you this, but I'm quitting.
It's not that I have complaints about this job. I just want to go to grad school and study business seriously.
It has been fun, but it’s time to go.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. See you later.
本当に(心の底から)、何もかもありがとうございました。 それでは。
It’s been an honor and a pleasure to work with you. Take care.
Words cannot express how thankful I am for everything you’ve done.
Words cannot express how much I appreciate everything you have done for me.
あなたなしではこの辺りは変わってしまうでしょう。 さようなら。
It won’t be the same around here without you. Take care.
You're right up to a point, but there's another issue」は「ある程度、あなたの言う通りですけど、また別の問題がありますね」
You have a point, but scientific evidence points to
a diffrent cause.
I can see your point, but that doesn't change the facts.
・To your health. Cheers! : あなたの健康を祈って乾杯!
・Cheers big-ears! : 〈豪俗〉乾杯!◆cheersとearsが韻を踏んでいる。"Cheers, bugalugs."を丁寧にした言い方。
・Cheers, bugalugs. : 〈豪俗〉乾杯!
〈英〉ありがとう◆【同】Thank you!
環状サンゴ島、環礁◆可算発音[US] ǽtɔ̀l | ǽtɑ̀l | [UK] ǽtɔl | ətɔ́l、
Bikini Atoll
a number of ...は「若干の(数の)~」とも「多くの(数の)~」とも取れるのですが、通常は「多くの~、多数の~」という方の意味です。numberに形容詞を付けて、a large number of ...「多くの~」、a huge number of ...「膨大な数の~」、a small number of ...「少数の~」のように使われることもよくあります。
must never be forgotten
頭韻(法)◆不可算◆連続するまたは近くにある幾つかの語の、語頭の子音を同じまたは類似のものにする修辞技法。◆【参考】consonance ; assonance◆【同】head rhyme発音əlìtəréiʃən
safe and secure 「安全で安心」
・Trick or treat! 「いたずらか、お菓子か!」(ハロウィーンの決まりフレーズ)
・the Tremendous Twelve 「すごい12(品目)」(トムさんの故郷ミネソタ州のレストランの、なんと12品目もある朝食のネーミング)
・love in London 「ロンドンでの恋」
・Today's Takeaway 「今日の“お持ち帰り”ポイント」
・forgive and forget 「許して忘れる」
・good grief 「やれやれ」
・preemptive and preventative 「先制的かつ予防的」
・live, laugh, love 「生きて笑って愛して」
・quick question 「簡単な質問」
・picture perfect 「写真みたいに完璧」
・joy and jealousy 「おめでたいけど嫉妬しちゃう」
Fearsome Foursome恐るべき4人組
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.
carrier killer
キャリアキラー 航空母艦を遠距離から損傷または撃沈することを目的とした通常の対艦ミサイルの一種
ham, persevere, flexible, humor
The humor of Jim Carrey is unparalleled and truly unique. He tends to ham it up, often delivering exaggerated performances. His ability to use his flexible body and face to their full advantage was well received, leading to the massive success of "Mask" in 1994, which established him as a top comedic actor. Before this breakthrough, he persevered through difficult times by touring small local clubs across Canada and taking on unnamed extra roles in numerous movies.
今回の場合で言えば、hamとhumorを聞いてジム・キャリーを即座に連想し、またflexibleを聞いて体や顔を使った彼の自在な演技を思い出しました。その後、「映画.com」を読んで彼の下積みの生活を知り、persevereを使ったということです。投稿前には一応「Ginger 英文チェッカー」というサイトでスペルと文法をチェックしています。