Japanese police have arrested the former YouTuber-turned Upper House member GaaSyy on suspicion of multiple allegations, including intimidation.
He was elected to the Upper House as a member of an opposition party last year. But he was expelled for failing to appear at any Diet session.
GaaSyy, whose real name is Higashitani Yoshikazu, returned to Japan from the United Arab Emirates on Sunday.
Tokyo police took him into custody just after his arrival on suspicion of repeatedly intimidating and slandering celebrities and business people in online videos. GaaSyy gained fame for running a gossip channel.
警視庁は、オンライン動画で著名人や実業家らを繰り返し脅迫したり中傷したりした容疑で、到着直後に同氏を拘留しました。ガーシー はゴシップ チャンネルの運営で名声を博しました。