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Gestern bin ich allein durch das Garten des Fujireien gewandert. Ich habe mehrere schöne blüten gesehen. Der Berg Fuji war wunderschön. Ich habe mich gerne in der Natur erholt. Ich hatte sehr gerne Kontakt mit guter Luft.
En parourant le jardin du Fujireien hier, j'ai senti la beauté naturelle. Mont Fuji, C'est magnifique! C'est agréable d'être en plaine nqture.
まじめにやろう、ジェロンディフ。 4級は何とかなりそうだけど、3級はヤバい。
Whenever I go to Fujireien, I walk around its garden, going up and down the hills. My father and I used to climbed the steep stone steps and enjoy the view from the top. It was just several years ago, but he's been suffering from 脊柱管狭窄症 for two years and can't walk too long. Having been an active man who loves climbing mountains very much, he can't accept his situation. I want him to focus on what he can still do. The problem is that he's thinking of what he can't do any longer. I know how he feels, but I want him to thank kamisamahotokesama for what he's still available. Yesterday, I walked around the garden of Fujireien alone before the ceremony. I was happy to come across beautiful flowers and a splendid view of Mt Fuji.
Thank you for your comments. I enjoyed our trip. As soon as I came home, I went to the veggie garden to water the carrots sprouts. Then, I headed to work.
昨日、富士霊園の丘を、ひとりでぶらぶら歩きまわった。 パンプスで歩くのはキツかったけど、ここに来たら歩き回らずにいられない。 富士山や季節の花と新緑に、心が洗われる思いがした。 私は子供の頃から、富士山を見るのが大好き。父譲りなのだろう。
Your photo is very beautiful Mt.Fuji.
It's nice to take a walk while looking at Mt.Fuji.
Your father must have wanted to take a walk while looking at Mt.Fuji.
You want your father to try everything.
Your family went to Fuji Cemetery for the sixth anniversary.
Your father seems to be doing well.
年寄りへのアドバイスに「できないことを数えるより、できることを考えるように」とうのがあります。年を取って できなくなるのが増えるのは仕方ないことです、出来ることを楽しんでいけると良いですね。
pekoさんのお父さんの辛い気持ち わかります。楽しみながら過ごしてほしいですね。