Morgen früh habe ich mit meiner Freuindin Meigetsuin, Kitakamakura. Der Tempel ist berühmt auf seine blaue Hortensien. Wir haben die schöne Blüten und den frishen Luft genossen.
Tôt le matin, je suis allée à Kitakamakura avec une amie. On a visité Meigetsuin. Les hortensias blues étaient en fleurs. On a fait une promnade tranquillement. On a passé un bon moment.
I went to Kitakamakura with my friend from university. We met each other at Ofuna Station at eight o'clock and headed to Kitakamakura. First, we visited 明月院. Visiting the temple to enjoy hydrangeas has been our seasonal ritual for a long time. We love the beautiful blue called 明月院ブルー. We walked around the precincts. We enjoyed beautiful hydrangeas and tranquil atomsphere. Then, we visited 円覚寺. There were less people. How peaceful it is to walk around the precinct, looking up at fresh green momiji! It was a shame that the shop was closed and failed to get カエルのおみくじ. We'll come again. We had a brisk lunch and went home. Both of us had work in the afternoon.
明月院の紫陽花。 今年は花が早かったうえに、なかなか都合がつかず、もうダメかなと思ったけれど、なんとか訪れることができてよかった。 そろそろ見ごろが終わるかな。
So you went to Meigetsu-in with your friends from university days?
I'm glad you were able to see the hydrangea.
Unfortunately, you didn't get to buy yourself a frog souvenir.
The store was closed today because there weren't many people.
You and your friend from university days were both working in the afternoon, so I was surprised.
I imagined that you two would have a leisurely day.
You two are very happy. Surrounded by Meigetsuin Blue with brisk lunch.