Ex-Hiroshima mayor decries Obama's Hiroshima visit without apology Sun. May 29
元広島市長は非難、オバマは謝罪なく なぜ来た
President Obama once again referred to a world without nuclear weapons, but we shouldn't be unreservedly pleased about that. This is because the United States hasn't changed its stance that the atomic bombings were right. As long as the country justifies the atomic bombings, it could give the country a pretext to use nuclear weapons again. We have pledged, in front of the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims (at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park), that "we shall not repeat the evil." If the president did not admit the mistake of his country's use of the atomic bombs, it makes me wonder what he came to Hiroshima for.
●refer to ~ ~に言及する ●unreservedly 手放しに ●justify 正当化する
●pretext 口実 ●pledge 誓う ●the Cenotaph for the A-bomb Victims 原爆慰霊碑
●We shall not repeat the evil. 過ちは繰り返しません
The "future-oriented" relationship advocated by both the Japanese and U.S. governments sounds to me like they mean to turn a blind eye to the past. If this is accepted, it amounts to Hiroshima having forgiven the United States. Hiroshima, unlike the Japanese government's policy, has upheld a position to "question the responsibility of dropping the atomic bombs." Today, the global norm is that "nuclear weapons are inhuman and cruel weapons of mass destruction." That notion stems from the experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and should never be overturned.
●overturn 覆る
For us "not to demand an apology" is also disrespectful to those who were killed. They shouldn't be using words that degrade those who perished with such sorrow and agony. It is utterly regrettable that the mayor of the city of Hiroshima and the governor of Hiroshima Prefecture announced that they were not demanding an apology (from the United States upon Obama's visit). The atomic bomb victims will be able to rest in peace only after the U.S. pledges it will never use nuclear weapons again and the elimination of nuclear weapons is brought about.
●not to demand an apology 謝罪を求めない ●disrespectful 失礼
●mercilessly 無慈悲、無残にも ●perish 死んでいく、死ぬ ●sorrow 悲痛
●agony もだえ苦しみ ●regrettable 遺憾である、残念である
●elimination of ~ ~を排除、廃絶 ●bring out 花ひらく、引き出す
After President Obama made a speech in Prague in 2009 (calling for a world without nuclear weapons), he has increased nuclear-related budgets. He has budgeted for modernizing nuclear weapons; that is, the development of new weapons. He has yet to have the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ratified by his country, giving us the impression that his speech was a mere facade. All the more because of this, we must discern what actions he will take after his latest speech.
●Prague プラハ ●modernizing 近代化
●Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 包括的核実験禁止条約(核実験全面禁止条約)
●mere façade 見かけにすぎない ●discern 見分ける、見極める
Hiroshima is not a room for rent for the president to gloriously mark the end of his years in office. It is a place for making a pledge to eliminate nuclear weapons. I'd say no thank you, if Hiroshima was to be used as a venue for a performance designed to cement Obama's presidential legacy, or for showing off the strengthening of the Japan-U.S. alliance with an eye to China. (Interviewed by Shun Teraoka, Hiroshima Bureau)
●gloriously mark 花道 ●make a pledge 誓約する、誓う ●cement 固める
●strengthening 強化する
Beware of e-mails that ask for personal information under the pretext of awarding you a prize.
The player cemented his place in baseball history after winning his seventh straight batting championship.
Marriage is more than a contract. It's a sacred pledge.
The ends don't justify the means.