Japanese, U.S. Students Learn A-Bomb Experiences via Digital Archive
New York, Sept. 16 (Jiji Press)—
Thirteen high school students from the atomic-bombed Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and 34 students from high schools in the United States learned the experiences of hibakusha atomic-bomb survivors utilizing digital technologies at the U.N. headquarters in New York on Friday.
The students' travel expenses were covered by funds collected through the Internet by the U.S.-Japan Youth Summit for Peace, a project designed by Hidenori Watanabe, associate professor of the system design faculty at Tokyo Metropolitan University.
Setsuko Thurlow, 84, who suffered the U.S. atomic bombing in Hiroshima in the closing days of World War II at the age of 13 and now lives in Toronto, spoke of her experience to the students.
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Archive of digital materials about the atomic bombings of the two cities, developed mainly by Watanabe's laboratory, was shown to the students.
The digital archive helped them better understand how powerful the bombs were and how serious the damage from the attacks were, by showing photos of the cities taken right after the bombings on a digital map.
広島と長崎の高校生ら13人が16日、ニューヨークの国連本部で、米国の高校生34人と共に、デジタル技術を活用して原爆被爆者の体験を学んだ。東京首都大学;システムデザイン学部のHidenori Watanabe准教授が企画した「日米・青年平和会議」で、インターネットを通じて資金を募り、生徒の渡航費を工面した。
13歳の時に広島で被爆し現在トロントに住むSetsuko Thurlowさん(84)が自らの体験を生徒たちに語った。
Episode 19 Yukichi's Summer Vacation
L-073 Did you practice?
Can-do 一日の生活や習慣について話せる
In the morning, I took 1,000 swings every day. During lunch, I could not hold my chopsticks because my arms were sore.
At the end of each day, I was too tired to eat dinner.
Yes,I practiced a lot!
動詞の名詞形 practice[動]とhave a practice[名]
「練習する」をhave a practiceと名詞に変えて言うことができます。
I practiced a lot.= I had a lot of practice.
have an experience 経験する have an effect 効果(影響がある)
have access アクセスする have a plan 計画がある
have a look 見る
☆have, take, make, give, get などの目的語になる:
Look at this. と Take a look at this. もほぼ同じ意味になるが、
Let's have a listen. 「ちょっと聞いてみよう。」
She had a long talk with her friend. 「彼女は友達と長話をした。」
Did you have a good sleep? 「よく(ぐっすり)眠れましたか。」
Let's walk. → Let's take a walk. 「ちょっと歩こうか。」
Try it. → Give it a try. 「やってみよう!」
have a break =take a break 「一休みする」